posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Grumble
Yes, it is painfully obvious that the underlying anger behind the current hysteria comes from racism.
For instance, take the health care oponents...
The health care reform apponents hate black people so much that
they are willing to give up AWESOME HEALTH CARE for themsleves
as well as their Families...
just to spite their HALF BLACK and HALF WHITE president. Amazing!
It takes a lot of hate for another race to forfiet your own families health
just to spite a president because he is HALF from a different race.
Also, It is blatantly obvious that all these hysterical extremist folks would be happy to pay the massive CO2 taxes
if a white politician had thought of it. They are clearly complaining about the massive taxes only because they are being installed by a Half Black
president! Disgraceful!
Blatent racism!