posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 01:57 PM
In other words, if you don't quantum leap out earth just before the Hell you will be consumed by doom and gloom for ever. And certainly after a taste
of the doom part, since it burns, you will consider to duke your everlasting Hell time out with the gloom that will be for who chooses to go and stay
underground as a way to then avoid burning up.
Whoa! It's just too true! Doom and gloom are coming to any already set for damnation. It's not the other way around, you don't go to Hell when Hell
rather comes to you. People should get them facts straight.
Quantum leaping is likened unto Noe getting into his safe place before the flood came. The coming of the Son of man is quantum
leaping. Where does the Son of man come to? His Paradise Kingdom. This is where he is coming because a revealed Son of man leaves an in danger heaven
and earth.
[edit on 31-3-2010 by Tormentations]