posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 05:31 AM
I literally just joined this site, although I've been reading it off and on for a couple of years. I have some idea how things work around here, but
naturally I'll likely fall over my own feet a few times. The nice thing about being naturally clumsy is that one learns how to take a pratfall
I'm in my mid 30s, and have been hanging out online since the early 90s, so I guess I've kind of seen the rise of the conspiracy community on the
net. Most of the people I used to know are gone now, but because of my background it's safe to say some of my interests and ideas may seem like
Unfortunately, I have never:
Been a member of Skull and Bones
Worked as a janitor at Area 51
Had any secret information about JFK's assassination imparted to me by a dying loved one on their death bed.
Been abducted by a UFO
So right off, I'm pretty boring as new posters go and don't bring any special super-secret knowledge with me. I'm usually pretty friendly. I'm
open-minded. On most sites, I stay out of threads about current events in politics because I *have* seen enough of how politics works from the inside
to have lost my taste for discussing it for recreation.
I keep strange hours and make my living in kind of a strange way. I'm a weirdo with a high tolerance for weirdness and other weirdos. Hello.