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Usa ,canada,britian, vs china ,russia,and nkr

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posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:47 AM
Wow, nuclear war? You mean I'm all wrong to worry about whatever it is that has made most major nations move their navy out of port?

Nuclear war: They've only got till 2015 to spring the trap. By that time America will be able to at least partially intercept an incoming strike.
Until then, the most likely offensive would require FOOL PROOF advanced technology, which would allow sattelite based weapons and stealth SLBMs to destroy ALL of America's nukes. NOBODY HAS THE MEANS AT THIS TIME.

Everyone used to be so afraid about the fact that we can destroy the earth several times over. So we lost about half of our nukes under Clinton? So you mean we can still destroy the Earth? I don't see the problem. It isn't just us and them either. England and France will probably launch immediately, or if not they will certainly do so later, under the pressure of Russian aggression. Pakistan is likely to anticipate Indian aggression in conjuction with the Chinese opperation, so China and India could possibly exchange with pakistan. You can't have armageddon without Israel, so expect Israel to preemptively destroy every army in the middle east.

Conventional war: You can't go through Alaska. Mobility isn't good enough here, and American naval and air power can sever the supply lines in the Aleutians. You can't use the pacific coast or even Northern Mexico to land because of American forces ability to interdict supplies from Hawaii. You'd have to invade southern Mexico or South America. That simply gives you too much ground to cover before engaging American forces, and protracts the war too far, increasing our ability to open other theaters. The Alaska scenario could happen in greenland as well, and an invasion of Eastern mexico is the worst prospect of all because of Floridas control of the gulf. AN INVASION OF THE USA IS NOT A WINNING FIRST MOVE.

Russian forces, with luck, might enter Europe as far as the Rhine, and may penetrate the Rhine if a former soviet alliance can penetrate Northern Italy swiftly enough to pull French support away from the Rhine. Turkey must be taken as well though, because it controls the Black sea, the route to oil, and access to the former soviet nations from the south. Failure to cross the Rhine AND demonstrate an inevitable victory in Turkey will result in American forces fixing the soviets from the West and destorying them from the South.

The most likely scenario is that the defense of the Alps in Northern Italy will hold, France will reinforce Germany at the Rhine, bottling up the Soviet advance, and American forces will arrive first at the Rhine, then in either Italy or Turkey, mounting a two-pronged attack to trap the Soviet force outside of Russia and totally destroy it in a manner similar to the retreating Iraqis in Desert Storm. Nuclear tension can ensure a ceasefire at this point, however the depletion of Russian military power will already be done.
China can not succeed in Alaska, and can not reach Iraq in time to influence the war in Europe, especially considering the Pakistani/Indian nuclear tensions which may cause a disaster if Afghanistan is invaded by an expansionist China.
At the close of this war, Russia will be weakened and America will be pissed off. A new cold war would likely result in the rapid advancement of American technology FAR beyond Russia's capabilities to match, especially in space-based lasers for as missile defense and as strategic weapons.

Conquering the world for dummies: you deploy nukes into space on sattltes and DONT get caught. Detonate them at strategic points in orbit designed to destroy ALL sattelites. Coordinate this action with the launch of satellites by a small ally of yours. (for example, America could help Saudi Arabia launch its first sats before doing this). You begin launching new sattites whcih you already have on the ground ready to launch. (you would need to have been preparing for decades). Meanwhile you demand through the UN that all missile submarines be withdrawn to their home ports and be confirmed. You put pressure on nations that have recently launched objects into space, demanding full access to their records and an accounting to prove they didn't do this. You run spy flights over all nuclear powers and share some of your results with the UN, saying you're just ensuring peace during this dangerous time.

Once you've ensured safety from submarine launched missiles, you launch a full nuclear strike to destroy the world's arsenals, and to weaken enemy armies. Using satellite surveillance, you have a vast advantage in naval warfare and your armies have a mobility advantage from this. Within a few years you should control the world. By the way... if you get caught at any point in this operation, your nation will be paying reparations, you will be executed, and there may be a cataclysmic nuclear war. However, once the satellites are out, I believe that many missiles will no longer have guidance. I also believe that without satellites, radio jamming and the sabotage of hardlines could prevent launch orders from reaching the enemies missile forces.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by blacman2k6
ok so they will have trouble getting their stuff here , lets change this alittle bit. what will happen if china and russia launched powerful nuclear strikes agianst the u.s. and its bases in asia and europe what will happen

You obviously know absolutely squat about Nuclear computers !!!

Let me explain, NATO and rest of the world signed a treaty that allowed all countries to be connected to a central computer, so for example when tensions were rising a few years ago, this might still be classified so could be taking a risk here, 1998 to be exact when the russians re-programmed their computers for coordinates in europe and the states, ( later was explained as just seeing if the coordinates were still active in their database LOL yeah right), and the base state went to amber briefly from black, and black alpha , the base is HMS WARRIOR or PJHQ Northwood , middlesex, check it if you think i'm lying. I know this as a fact, because I was there when it happened. and i can assure you it was scary, but If a nuke is activated we WILL know about it, and we do have certain counter-measures, just the public will be screwed basically
and # i'm the public now. where's my NBCD Suit when i need it LOL

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 12:39 PM
Oh I almost forgot, the best place to be in the event of a nuclear attack, yup you guessed it AT SEA, Why, not only can a ship lock down airtight and recycle air, they can create a spray of water around the ship that stops radiation from gettiing in, and they can withstand the tidal waves , believe it or not, most ships top ends are designed to fall away from the ship in the event of a severe roll, as well as the counter-roll device in the ships hull.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 12:47 PM
Your premise is an impossiblity, so it makes the whole plan invalid.

There's no way the Chinese can transport 1 million units into Canada or Mexico in a
short span of time. They don't have the resources or they would of taken
little Tiawan by now if they had such capabilities.

Prognosis; USA and Allies win!
China bombed out at sea in the first wave breaching sovereign waters.

Let's not even go there with 1 million Chinese paratroopers...LOL

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Regenmacher]

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Regenmacher]

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Regenmacher]

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 12:52 PM
I wouldn't dismiss our millitary out of hand. Yes they are under funded, But our troops are some of the best trained and dedicated in the world. As for the people, if ANYONE tried to invade, just because we don't thump our chests, you'ld be in for one hell of a scrap.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:11 PM
The only way China would win is if they were to be invaded, on there own soil probably unbeatable, but on away territory, NO CHANCE!!!

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by blacman2k6
oh come on i know somthing like this will happen, the u.s. is getting weaker everyday its disarming its nukes, the navy and airforce are being striped of their nukes and nukes based here in the u.s. are being disarmed. the mx missle the missle in land bases in u.s. are being disarmed. the u.s. is strecthed militarily around the world, we have a bogus policy called pdd-60. the point is there are alot of people who would take advantage of our situation, this will happen when all our nukes are gone and when liberal destroys military. i know russia and china would take advantage of our situation.

Dude, were have you been since 9/11?
Weaker? We're dumping trillions into newer systems and stragities.
Besides we are armed to the hilt here on the mainland (Us n' Canada) with private guns etc. alone.

You sound like a panic punching consevative to me.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Most excellent post Vagabond, it was well thought out and a pleasure to read!

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Regenmacher
Your premise is an impossiblity, so it makes the whole plan invalid.

There's no way the Chinese can transport 1 million units into Canada or Mexico in a
short span of time. They don't have the resources or they would of taken
little Tiawan by now if they had such capabilities.

Prognosis; USA and Allies win!
China bombed out at sea in the first wave breaching sovereign waters.

Let's not even go their with 1 million Chinese paratroopers...LOL

Correct, and they would lose 75% of their troops if they decided to swim for North America. It would be much easier for China to crush NK and become our friends.

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by mtsquad]

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 06:59 PM
If the president gets rid of clintons pdd-60 and the liberals leave our nukes and military alone then i can believe america would win this war.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:53 PM
I forgot to mention. It's been CENTURIES since China invaded territory that was not formerly part of China or at least a vassal state. Korea was part of China, Taiwan IS part of China by their own admission (the Taiwanese government claims to be the legitimate gov't. of ALL china).
I remember reading in a certain high ranking officers book (i forget his rank and name but the book was The New Strategy) that at a defense lecture he was giving, he opened with a slide of a chinese dragon devouring the Earth. Japanese, South Korean, and Taiwanese officers objected, saying that China has never been expansionist, admitted that their own countries were former parts of China, and said "Tibet is part of China, everbody knows that".

This brings me to the point about China crushing North Korea. This is a very good idea, and one that I had long forgotten about. Kim Jong Il's North Korea is much less popular in the world than China, and much more vulnerable, however in many ways North Korea and China are associated and very nearly treated as one. This makes the current NK regime the single greatest threat to Chinese national security. China and America each attatch the future of China to continued peace. The Chinese economy, if it continues to grow, will raise the possibility of a Pax Sineca (spelling?) in which Chinese culture and technology could become prevalent in the world and give them power in ways that generals could never comprehend- much as America enjoys, if not better. (China has the luxury of being largely outside the sphere of influence of most 1st world nations, which means fewer potential conflicts. At the same time, America likely operates under the belief (likely a correct one) that Chinese prosperity will bring moderation to their government and aspirations of freedom to their people. America also believes that the opening of the Chinese market will allow America to westernize China in some respects.
This means that China and America have a common interest in bringing change to North Korea. I do not believe that China will allow North Korea to instigate a war with America. I believe that if North Korea attempts to launch a missile on America, they may find themselves at the mercy of China, who will be eager to keep America out of the war. For that matter, I am curious how much involvement China has had in North Korea's nuclear program, and how much actual testing Korea has done. WILL THE KOREAN BOMB GO BOOM? Maybe I've watched Deterrence too many times, but I am curious.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 10:23 PM
personally, I wouldnt be surprised if russia/china were in bed...say wearing a condom.....with al queada....

lots of suitcase nukes are well as other stuff....they could be letting the " fanatics " fight for them in the beginning...say get all your suits deployed[ look at the war on drugs] stuff will get through..say ny, la, D.C san diego, norfolk , chicago , san fran , mobile , corpus christi .. r.i.....portsmouth mass al have a bad suitcase one will know right away who done it....then china moves[ they do controll the panama canal]....thanks jimmi....russia could move through canada cause they are so weak now its a joke....europe wont care [ ok maybe the brits will]....but they are worried bout them selves....not that it will happen, but it could..

they alll hate us cause we are the haves...theyd love to see america fall

russia is retooling....china spends more n they tell us on defence...and the fact they have a space program should tell ya something...icbms...killer sats ...and wen ho lees .... palns for more gooder detonations...and more accurate drops....

for those who would say it would never happen....evil aways wait for a chance...because it can.....

and 1/2 of amercian public really has no stomach for war...

they [ bad guys] are counting on that ..ever play risk?

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Well, speaking from "a weak country", the US has yet to annex us, so I guess we aren't so weak. Russia couldn't go through us, it would give you too much time to prepare, or it would have happened already. A little respect, if you don't mind.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 12:37 AM
im supprised u guys dont know about what pdd-60 is when i have been puttin it up the whole time

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