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The World According To You

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:02 PM
How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?

What path is the world on according to you?

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?

What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom?

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Tormentations
How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?

What path is the world on according to you?

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?

What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom?

How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you? RICH OR POOR, POOR LOSES FINANCIALLY BUT WIN SPIRITUALLY!

What path is the world on according to you? A PATH TO UNDERSTANDING EXISTANCE VIA DESTRUCTION!

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind? INNERSELF OR HIGHERSELF (FAITH)


Mod-Note: Bolding removed. Please refrain from posting ALL-BOLD and ALL-CAPS

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Skyfloating]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:08 PM
I try to avoid any "collective" anything. The only thing that crowds are good for are trampling over the top you!

The only place for peace and tranquility I've found is inside my soul, but I have Yahweh there, so I don't know about anyone else. Everyone has to have their own place, I guess. I do know that I dread my children having to grow up in the world we live in today. Hopefully something will change the obvious downward spiral we are on.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:12 PM
How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?
That is an open question, because the world around me in a small fraction of the world as a whole.Around me..the economy sucks, people are increasingly desperate, angry, lashing out.Children are growing up way before their time with no discipline.Income levels are down, welfare numbers are up.Nobody can afford to eat, let alone eat healthy and sickness comes more frequent.
All in feels like the Depression..still..but that is just my small corner of Earth.

What path is the world on according to you?
To HELL in a Handbasket.

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?
I'm thinking Tibet..before China took it over.

What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom?
Stop watching the news, reading the papers, as the media focusses on mostly negative images..very damaging to one's state of mind.
Seek out and focus more on the positive things in life..difficult at first, but not impossible.

Good thread Idea. S&F

[edit on 29-3-2010 by AccessDenied]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied


posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by AccessDenied



posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:33 PM

-Increasingly chaotic.


-As far away from civilization as possible.

-Commune with nature.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:36 PM
i live in the most xenophobic state in the union: Utah.

how is it that an entire community can be so totally blind and terrified of anyone that is not exactly like them?

....unfortunately, i think this is a much larger trend. the more global and diverse and grown-up we become as a species, the more frightened we become of actually standing on our own two feet.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:32 PM
The collective behavior of the world around me? Chaotic, selfish, greedy, power hungry.

What path is the world on? One of destruction. Destruction of the environment, morals, etc.

Where to find peace of mind: Within and without. Inside yourself, out in nature away from the hectic crowds and concrete.

To find happiness and tranquility: Hold on to your sanity
Hold on to hope. Have a sense of humor, take a break from doom and gloom news, spend quality time with family and friends, read a good book, watch an inspiring movie, get out in nature and hang with the birds and squirrels for a while. lol

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:39 PM

How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?

Destructive and short term thinking, but it seems more and more people are waking up and are looking for a different purpose in life. There is a shift going on but it's going way too slow.

What path is the world on according to you?

If there isn't going to be an attitude change somewhere soon, we're heading towards distruction of our beautiful planet. That will be the end of us.

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?

I can't speak for others, only for myself. There are two places that bring peace to me, atleast. That is by spending time in nature.
The second is in myself while meditating.

What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom?

That is a very difficult question, in fact, it is probably the million dollar question. I think by letting go of fear, a lot can be gained.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:06 PM
There is only one place to go to find joy, peace, and tranquility, and it is within yourself.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:03 PM
How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?
The word "denial" expresses the psychology of the developed world at the whole. Debt is piled upon debt; every big problem is put off for tomorrow in one of a zillion ways. The will and ability to grapple with the issues facing humanity has faded and dissolved in a stew of complaceny and disconnect. The developing world, meanwhile, is a cauldron of rage and also faces extremely serious, immediate problems that the developed world prefers to ignore. Humanity is thus at fundamental disjunct with itself and ripe for explosion/implosion on a mass scale. The interconenctivity of the world and the massive population relative to history means the potential scale is global, total, and unimaginable.

What path is the world on according to you?
The denial noted above has bread extreme complacency and, dispite all the information availble, shocking lack of wisdom. The planet is hurtling towards a 16-car pileup as all the garbage we've put off for tomorrow looms ever closer. This is on every level, from the cultural/moral to the economic, political, and so on.

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?
What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom?
To provide a combined answer to the two above two questions, the positive qualities mentioned by the OP must be cultivated by each individual. I would recommend the following, although your milage may vary.

First, the happiest people are those who: A) learn to see setbacks as interesting puzzles and challenges in their own rights; B) have a committment to something outside themselves (be it family, loved ones, a political cause, a faith, a life passion, etc.); and C) recognize that while not everything can be changed, one can do a great deal to change oneself and you are not always the passive victim of circumstance.

In addition to the above attitudes, its helpful to have a focusing activity. Something challenging enough to be interesting, but not so difficult as to induce anxiety. Something that takes, and builds, profound focus and concentration, preferably non-verbal. Examples include rock-climbing, atheletics, chess, violin, yoga, calligraphy, target shooting, cooking, gardening, and so on. It also helps to have positive people in your life who share the same views.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:06 PM
I like your thread.

+How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?: - Dislocated. But I'm not fond of putting "the World" in the same bag.

+What path is the world on according to you?: -Transformation

+Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?: - No need to "go" anywhere. Peace of mind is found within.

+What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom?: -Always staying true to yourself.

[edit on 29/3/10 by plutoxgirl]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:20 PM
The world around me???? Well the world around me is quite strange at the moment. I seem to see messages in EVERYTHING. I feel like i'm changing (for the better I might add).

The collective behavior of the world around me? Some might have you believe we are on a path to destruction. I believe this to be false i believe the majority of us are on a path to peace.

Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind? I always go to one of two places, one being my mind the other being here on ATS.

What in the world should one do to find tranquility and freedom? I'll let you know when I find it.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:05 PM
"How would you note the collective behavior of the world around you?"


"What path is the world on according to you?"

"Where in the world must one go to find peace of mind?"

where ever they are

"What in the world should one do to find happiness and tranquility and freedom? "

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