posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by rangersdad
Well I currentlyu live in Mexico, and have found the increase in the standard cost of living to have rising dramatically over the last couple of
I recently spent 6 weeks in Colombia, and found there that the prices of food, and drink, to be similar to that of Amsterdam.
I was in El Salvador a few years ago, and things were reasonable then, I would hate to think what it;s like now. I recently had business dealings with
people from buenos Aires, and they we're telling me how expensive things have got, and I also have colleuges, from Costa Rica, and Guatemala who say
the same things.
So what can I summise. although (as an ex pat brit) I find the costs of ammenities, cheaper, gas, electric etc. the cost of food has gone mental! even
to the same levels as the UK. NOW here's the thing, what "level" do you wnat to go to. if the OP would wish to maintain a level consumate to that
he experiences in the US, then he will have to pay for it. If you wnat to go on a shoestring, then it is possible. but you better have a good local
LOCAL guide, and some good latino blending in skills. or you are just asking for trouble.
in my own experience, as a white guy in Latin America, I tend to be OK once I tell them I am English. And I have had this conversation many times down
here. and not just in Mexico. But once they find out your American. Then you can expect a degree of hostility, and not entirely warranted, especially
when in a local area (not so much in resort hotels, but thats just becuase they want the money!!)