posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 03:47 AM
Hello ms_bhaven i was wondering if someone would come up with that description giving what the target looked like .....The volcano and the palm trees.
I was also thinking some people might see the pyramids. It was a pretty tuff target. And i think the maninblack posted some great info, the site im
referring to is the Joseph McMoneagle site I have all 4 of his books, and as a teaching method i think his stuff is great. He has a way of explaining
things in understandable terms for the layman like ourselves. and thanks for the compliment XXkrisXX that was very kind of you!
If someone is thinking of setting up a new test i would suggest 2 targets one that is easier, and one a little harder. To give people a choice now
that the kinks are worked out of the way we post these things.One thing i learned from the last experiment was that some people pick up on the targets
suroundings, and to isolate them is a good idea as kriss picked up on a camera flyer that was inadvertantly put near my target envelope..ooop's, so i
have leraned a few things about setting these up if someone needs help for the next one, or like i say i can post another experiment "for fun" but
it would have to be next week on Mon or Tue.
U2U me if you are game.(it's ussually the same posse, and i like that)
[edit on 11-6-2004 by parker]
[edit on 11-6-2004 by parker]