posted on Mar, 5 2003 @ 04:23 PM
Kinda like William Blake...The guy who played the part of Barretta in that ole TV series.
He was a pretty popular guy to have on talk shows because of many of the things he says on national TV...But then he also mentioned in an interview
that, when reviewing those shows he talked on, he'd feel like shoooting himself for saying them in the first place.
Passionate attitudes towards a subject are difficult to interpret across a talk medium that relies only on written text for communication...But when
an extreme attitude *does* come through in text, it usually generates an equally extreme response.
Heaven knows that I've been guilty of being on both sides of *that* fence.
The most *revealed* part of a person's personality that comes across in text is the intellect...Mainly because, unlike verbal speech, we have time to
sit & think about what we write...And the extreme attitudes that *do* make it into text are usually inserted during a highly emotional (& most likely
*temporary*) time.
*Some* people write in such a manner *intentionally*, with no regards to the actual *people* that they're inciting at the other end of their
posts...This type of person is known as the "internet troll" & is widely denegrated for the unreasoning hatred that they spew all over the 'net.
However, just the act of apologizing in public shows that you do *not* have intentions of becoming a troll & I can respect that you've seen that path
towards "trolldom" & *choose* to steer off from it. That alone deserves some level of respect.
...Just tone down the attitude & your true intellect will have a chance to earn you even more respect...
...Now if I can only remember to take my own advice on a regular & consistant basis...