posted on Mar, 4 2003 @ 01:16 PM
While I do support a War against Iraq, I do feel that it (War) should have been concluded in 1991 (1st Persian Gulf War). With that being said I
feel that this "war" should have been begun (initiated) in early January, 2003 by a coalition of US-UK Forces. These Forces could have neutralized
Iraq's Army and Air Force with the Forces then (January, 2003) in place. Now the "war" has been so politiczed by media & world discussion
as to be more damaging to us (US/UK) then
the actual casulties that will be incurred in gaining the victory. My Opinion.
I am a veteran of six years service in USAFSS.
God bless our Country, our President and our Servicemen & Servicewomen through-out the World.