Throughout my life i have experienced situations where i have been thinking of someone whom i haven't seen for a while, could be weeks, could be
years and then they appear. Recently this has been happening more frequently. In the past week it has happened 3 times to myself.
Not only with people but also with objects. I have witnessed my partner doing it and my father doing it. All within the last week.
A few examples...
"Was thinking of my cousin, no particular reason why, the thought would just come and that was it, haven't seen her in about 9 months. Go out on
Friday evening and bump into her in town."
"My father asks me about a man i used to work with, i tell him i haven't heard from him in about 9 years. 2 days later i get an e-mail from said man
adding me as a friend on facebook."
"My partners phone is not working, she goes up town yesterday for a new one, decides they are all too expensive and doesn't buy any. Lastnight we go
to our friends and she gives my partner an old phone of hers which she doesn't use, it's the newer version of my partners currently broken
"My partner has applied for about 30+ jobs in the last few months and gets 1 response! The interview was lastweek, it was for a social care work
position, working with people who have learning difficulties. She is waiting for the bus and decides that she doesn't want to go to interview for
various reasons and decides to go home. A man with downs syndrome walks past her in the next street and smiles and stops to talk to her. She goes
right back to bus stop, went to interview and gets job."
"I start getting thoughts about the fact i never get the cold anymore. Thoughts just keep coming to me that i've not had a cold for ages! 2 days
later i have a cold and a chest infection!"
These are a few personal situations that have i have witnessed in the last week or so,,,
I would like to here from those of you who have experienced this and is it increasing in frequency?
Is it just coincidence?
Is there more to this phenomenon?
Can we control it?
I find when i try to do it, it doesn't work. I've found that when these situations have occurred i am not really attached to any outcome. For
example, i wasn't interested if i met my cousin, i had nothing of interest to say to her. The man i worked with wasnt a great friend, just a
All thoughts and ideas welcome
Take Care