posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:46 PM
I have a question about a certain type of astronomy program , which will be asked shortly . But having said that I don't want to limit this thread to
my question alone . I would be very interested to hear of your favorite astronomy programs . And for the old school fans out there who have a favorite
manual planisphere that they would talk about , please feel free !
Now to my question ....
I am looking for an astronomy program that will allow me to pic a date time and place for any point in history and then be able to see the night sky
as it would have appeared back then .
I have herd many good reviews of the program called Starry Night , but before I cough up 200 buck for such a program I thought I would see if anyone
knows of a cheaper or better program for the PC ?
Just to mention a few good programs that I have found , and use on my iphone are iCSC . iCSC is a program that gives you a report as to how clear the
skies will be in your location , there by telling you if any given night would be good for taking out the telescope .
As for a planisphere program I like GoSkyWatch , once again for the iphone . This program lets you locate constellations , planets , stars & deep sky
objets . Once again , a very handy thing for when you drag out the old telescope .
As for my favorite old school planisphere I own and love my Firefly planisphere Deluxe . The Firefly Deluxe is very detailed and will even show the
suns location in the sky based on the time / day you enter
[edit on 25-3-2010 by Max_TO]