posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by iamcamouflage
You summed up pretty well the problem I have with Monster Quest and many similar shows.
Let me put it this way, I hunt and I have hunted for about 30 years now. The way they often go about looking for bigfoot type critters - its no
wonder they never see any.
Most of the time, your chances of seeing something starts going down the more people, noise, junk, you drag into the woods with you. Especially if
you do it on the same trails most every day.
Put it this way - you and maybe one other person who knows what he or she is doing goes into the woods and puts out some camera traps,etc and looks
around and then exits - then they go back a few weeks to a month or so later. They may actually get some pics.
Now - you take a swarm of people, going up and down the same trails, every day for a week and you'll be lucky if you see anything other than a
If bigfoot type critters exist (and I have good reason to think they do) - they are smart, shy, and rare. The odds of seeing one start going down
when you drag more people and more gear along the same trails every day.