I was very sad to read again how a very poor family (in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province) was made even poorer by TBN and US "missionaries".
The gentleman had developed brain problems in his line of duty as a cop, and gave all the family savings (of R90 000) to TBN's River Ministries. His
wife kept several extended family members afloat on a R2000 salary per month. She demanded the money back, however the reply was: if everyone who
hadn't been "blessed" (as promised) got their cash back the "ministry" would collapse. Well duh. But why are there no clear laws about this?
I think that if preachers are offering the "prosperity gospel" as God's law, and thus as a proven commodity, it should come with a guarantee.
If people are not "blessed" then the money should be refunded with interest. If it is a sham industry, it will then disappear pretty soon.
And also, the mentally challenged should be protected from being conned. Any advice? When is one "mentally challenged" enough to get the cash back?
Currently there are no laws on this here. Suffice to say that according to Cult News with Rick Ross TBN are sitting on double digit millions, and they
could actually pay this man back.
Here is the quote I get from the above address (re-checked it and it links to something related above), pasted from the site:
"Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the Bhisho-based Christian TV and radio station, cannot refund donations it received from a mentally ill
diagnosed pensioner because it is allegedly running at a financial loss.
This is according to River Ministries’ Andre Roebert, who is also chief executive of TBN Africa.
“TBN in Bhisho does not have that money,” said Roebert during a meeting with the Daily Dispatch on Wednesday.
“A director of the cash-strapped Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) still received lucrative payments for three years after the network’s overseas
funding had been stopped. [...] Details about the remuneration to Pastor Bernard Roebert surfaced when Icasa licensing officer Victor Grootboom
questioned TBN over its claim that it has suffered financially since Icasa in 2003 stopped the funding it received from its mother organisation in the
United States.”
Trintiy Broadcasting Network (TBN), led by founders Paul and Jan Crouch, is the world’s largest religious TV network. It claims to be a Christian
ministry. However, while some legitimate ministries and teachers (those who adhere to the orthodox teachings and practices of historical Christianity)
appear on TBN, the network promotes such an incredible amount of heretical material – including extremist Word-Faith teachings – that it is often
referred to as “The Blasphemy Network.”
Research resources on TBNLast year the newspaper reported that the family of Manjo Maphuma, a former Gauteng police officer who now lives in Mdantsane
and has been diagnosed with a mental illness, said TBN had rejected their calls that the money be repaid.
His wife, Nomathemba Zita, said her husband had been making numerous donations to TBN over seven years – including a R90000 cheque.
Maphuma was first diagnosed with paranoid psychosis in 1986 by Cecilia Makiwane Hospital psychiatrist Dr Tony Pentz.
Roebert, however, disputed this and said TBN’s Bhisho board went to visit Maphuma to ask him what his status was and whether he wanted the money
back. “He told us under no circumstances do you give the money back. It was a gift to TBN.”
This week, Zita said that she was struggling to maintain their two children, who are both students, on her R2000 a month salary. She has since
approached the Legal Aid Board to have a curator appointed who could handle her husband’s financial affairs.
River Ministries’ financial director, Greg Clur, said if TBN – a Section 21 company for non-profit – returned the money to Maphuma it could
contravene both income tax and company laws. However, tax experts at PriceWaterhouseCoopers told the Daily Dispatch that a Section 21 company was
exempted from paying tax and could repay the money without any tax implications.
Roebert said returning the money could also have other moral implications for a body such as the church. He said people who made earlier donations and
later fell onto hard times may ask for their money back.
• Original title: TBN in financial crisis, says CEO. So we can’t refund mentally ill man’s cash, he says
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