posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:59 PM
She was a lovely girl back then, so different, her beauty lies in my beholder´s eye. Nowadays she´s a snowwhite firewoman I delve into. I adore her.
I fell head over heels with Lady Gaga when I saw her first clip Paparazzi, I hardly watch TV, an old fashioned guy, that is. She took the dubbed Czech
Hollywood Warrior Priest by storm or balls, I was impressed, intrigued, freaked out, though I usually cause these. No matter I cash in on the pop icon
a bit, flashing my Lady Gaga Sixth Gospel pentagram and the ultimate YYY Lady Gaga bestseller "The Phoenix Stardom Of Snowwhite Lady Gaga - Or My
Secret Vault Relationship With Her", I can´t wait to unleash its hardcore epic sequel "LG Versus LS - The Cosmic Mutants At It" upon our fans and
haters. I´ve stirred the deepest, darkest, dirtiest waters in the underworld. A number of hardline Satanists have cursed my "strange" course of
action. I can´t help it. Lady Gaga reigns, and not only in my mind or heart.