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Seeking demonic possession.

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posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 11:07 AM
hey i don't believe that demons are evil they just want revenge, but summoning them isn't a good thing to do if you don't know what you're doing if you summon them through anger they will listen. they possess you but will ruin your whole life in a flash. thats one reason on to summon a demon. the next is if you just want to know what it is like to be possessed. will tell you by experience, it will change your life like you wouldn't believe. i summoned marchosias. you are probably wondering how i lived i well summon demons a certain way from their seal when i rip their seal they disappear. AND NO I WILL NEVER TELL ANYONE HOW I SUMMONED A DEMON!!! YOU WILL MOST LIKELY DIE IF I TELL YOU IF YOU MESS UP EVEN A LITTLE BIT THEY WILL KILL YOU!!! DO YOU HEAR ME. WATCH WHAT YOU WISH FOR! I admit summoning them is fun you just have to do it the right way for you to secede
edit on 6-4-2014 by demonkaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 11:55 AM

hey i don't believe that demons are evil they just want revenge, but summoning them isn't a good thing to do if you don't know what you're doing if you summon them through anger they will listen. they possess you but will ruin your whole life in a flash. thats one reason on to summon a demon. the next is if you just want to know what it is like to be possessed. will tell you by experience, it will change your life like you wouldn't believe. i summoned marchosias. you are probably wondering how i lived i well summon demons a certain way from their seal when i rip their seal they disappear. AND NO I WILL NEVER TELL ANYONE HOW I SUMMONED A DEMON!!! YOU WILL MOST LIKELY DIE IF I TELL YOU IF YOU MESS UP EVEN A LITTLE BIT THEY WILL KILL YOU!!! DO YOU HEAR ME. WATCH WHAT YOU WISH FOR! I admit summoning them is fun you just have to do it the right way for you to secede
edit on 6-4-2014 by demonkaster because: (no reason given)

The demons you speak of are the biblical variety and therefore a Christian concept as is the Devil ... I find it interesting that you mentioned Marchosias specifically as this demon is said to 'give true answers to all questions' and 'be ever faithful to the magician who summons him' !!!

This made me smile ...

Demons by their very nature are liars/cheats/ and tricksters so it would seem your friend Marchosias is something of a contradiction ... but hey ... that's demons for you

As a Pagan (practicing Witch of 30yrs) I DO NOT believe in the concept of the Devil and his Demon Minions ... but I do believe in ancient Demons who DO exist as I know from first-hand experience ... they are very powerful (but not unbeatable as I have proven by banishing one) ... and the first rule of a true ancient Demon is they will NEVER tell you their name because their name is their power ... they might give you 'a' name ... but it will not be their 'true' name.

Here's a link to an old thread I made about my confrontation and dealings with an ancient Demon if you're interested;

The Messenger - Dirken Ridge - Update Of The Demon Identification (Red-Eyes) Case ...

Woody )O(

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

i understand where you're coming from but there are ways to control a demon when possessed. i have family that are known for necromancy. that family of mine were exicuted for summoning demons, and a book from them was passed down from generation from generation i have been using that book. i know i have their blood in my vanes or i wouldn't of survived when the demon i summoned the first time from that book. you sound like you know what your talking about, but you are wrong about what what you said about not being able to make them your "minion" i prefer to calling it contracting. you are right about vanquishing them it isn't a good site to see, but i do know what i am doing when it comes to this. i have been doing this for 40 years longer than you i am afraid. and marchosias is a demon of hell i always summon when i need power to fight someone or something that is possessed and is out of control or is just plane stupid and tries to curse me. marchosias is a demon of destruction and only likes to fight with his fists. and his power if necessary. marchosias isn't his real name no but it is what he prefers to go by when i summon him. and as you can tell i am giving high details about me or about my book or me family. i have my reasons because i can get in trouble by people like cops or other i will have people hunting me down i think you understand that don't you. i am avoiding using my summoning skills as much as possible right now. but escaping it is impossible without killing.
edit on 6-4-2014 by demonkaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:50 PM

reply to post by woodwytch

i understand where you're coming from but there are ways to control a demon when possessed. i have family that are known for necromancy. that family of mine were exicuted for summoning demons, and a book from them was passed down from generation from generation i have been using that book. i know i have their blood in my vanes or i wouldn't of survived when the demon i summoned the first time from that book. you sound like you know what your talking about, but you are wrong about what what you said about not being able to make them your "minion" i prefer to calling it contracting. you are right about vanquishing them it isn't a good site to see, but i do know what i am doing when it comes to this. i have been doing this for 40 years longer than you i am afraid. and marchosias is a demon of hell i always summon when i need power to fight someone or something that is possessed and is out of control or is just plane stupid and tries to curse me. marchosias is a demon of destruction and only likes to fight with his fists. and his power if necessary. marchosias isn't his real name no but it is what he prefers to go by when i summon him.

I feel this is one of those subjects where we must agree to disagree ... each to their own and all that. After all we can only go on our personal experiences I suppose.

Just one thing that makes me curious ... you say you 'have been doing this for 40yrs longer than me' ... I have no wish to be rude but as I have been practicing for 30yrs and you have been practicing for 40yrs longer than that ... how old are you exactly (if you don't mind me asking) ?

Woody )O(

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

i am 52 years old i summoned my first demon when i was 12 years old

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 01:29 PM
Work with deamons often and they have taught me a lot about life, spiritually and in other ways.

Like many have said there is a huge misconception about them.

Anyways anyone can read a book and think they understand all the who what where's ... about them, but few truly communicate with and have experienced them one on one.

Interesting thread tho.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 08:47 AM

reply to post by woodwytch

i am 52 years old i summoned my first demon when i was 12 years old

Ahh I see ... you confused me when you said you had been 'practicing 40yrs more than my 30yrs' (eg; practicing for 70+ yrs) ... I see now that you mean you have actually been practicing for 40yrs in total ... I thought for a moment you were some kind of 'ancient wise-one' when in reality we are of similar age (which to some might still seem pretty ancient I suppose)

In the end it boils down to finding the path that suits you ... but I disagree when novices assume they can 'control' unknown energies and dive straight in because they think it's cool ... I'm sure even you would be willing to admit that there are unseen dangers often tripped into due to ignorance.

We often get wannabe Demonologists on here wishing to be possessed by any random Demon ... so maybe with your wealth of experience in the subject you could start a thread and share your wisdom with those who have an interest in such things ... that way they would at least be more aware of what they were getting into (many of these people seem adverse to studying the subject via books and Grimoires but may take the time to read a thread on ATS if it had the word Demon in the title.

Just a thought. Woody )O(

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 11:20 PM
Hey I do black magic an I think I can get you possessed. I have been able to summon abyss lord of chaos in the past. I'm willing to help.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 12:13 AM
Become a banker! or get a job in politics.

this is one of the first stages of suicide....
get help.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 10:57 AM
Children seeking the gods of delightful.... I thought there were no more loyal seekers......

If you wish it so..... just knock on the door..... but be warned......

What you love will be forever lost......

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: woodwytch

I feel your feel..... it is rather funny is it not?..... How the kids of new seek the gods of old

Foolish kids be these days.....seeking fun for pain of gain.....

Also you're an interesting little witch..... woodywytch.......

Strong Egyptian ties or Mayan ties to days of old........ playing on pyramids and all......but hmmm....... I could be wrong........

p.s - I like my dots......

posted on May, 4 2015 @ 02:00 PM
Has to be a wind up. I hope so anyway. It's kind of like asking for immediate rectal expansion via thermite reaction just to prove it will be hot. You don't know what you're asking for here son. Had a former friend tangle with a witch board. At least he only killed himself and rotted for a few days. If you end up pursuing this course of action please don't involve anyone you care about. That's what it will go after first.That will be a wind up of an entirely different kind. Don't think you'll enjoy the ride on the USS Destroy Your Life and Family. But hey at least when (if) you make it through it all the other convicts in prison will enjoy the story about coital anyway.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: TinFoilHatMan55

You cannot seek that which isn't real. Demon possession is a myth told by the among many of their lies. Good luck to you but you will never succeed because demons don't actually exist, if you studied the history of mental illness and psychology you would quickly realize EVERY case of demon possession is simply someone with a misunderstood mental illness, explained by genetics, abuse, or brain damage...that's been the case each time so far. I've been to MANY "haunted" buildings and searched for myself, there is nothing in heaven or hell on's a a holdover from an immature and unlearned mind. I have never found one shred of evidence supporting hauntings or demons, or their counterparts for that matter...please stop buying into "based on a true story" movies/books/stories as those often have more fiction than science fiction movies (like star trek) and not a single one is validated by honest people. The only people who believe in demons are the ones perpetuating the myth yet not even they have anything of worth or truth to offer you...just their "feeling" and saying "DID YOU HEAR THAT?" no...there was no sound..."I HEARD SOMETHING"...oooook. You'll find lots of folks who simply have crazy imaginations, though nothing even remotely approaching proof or real world examples, it's ALWAYS their wild imagination and nothing more. Not a demon possessed imagination, simply an inability to distinguish reality from their personal fantasy as NOTHING in their imagination has any actual influence on the real world. Sorry to disappoint but you nor ANYONE who has EVER sought this nonsense has EVER found anything of merit...prove me wrong if you can, but you can' one can or has...not even myself. Fact is there is nothing to support ANY claims, it's always someone trying to make a buck or get famous somehow...might as well believe penn and teller perform REAL magic as that's far more likely to be true than demons.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Howdy TinFoilHatMan55, I am Azmolial and amongst many things I am a Demolator. This is something I have done multiple times. But like playing with a flamethrower, it is dangerous and not easy. It took a lot of work to be able to safly do it. But like a flamethrower, while not practical to mundane life, it is fun.

There are easier things you could have to possess/channel you that are not so alien minded to a human to prove your, "other things out there" point. And sure I could tell you how to do it, or point you in the right direction. But here is your nugget of wisdom, if you really have the strength of will enough to find out despite all these people's warnings, despite not having help, and despite all the natural barriors put in place, then you might have the poteintal to not get screwed up by demonic possession and benefit from it, elsewise it's like showing up to them (demons) like a poser or wantabe, they will not respect you and all the little guys will try to ravage you. (You could almost think of it as like the Sith). They get called and treated like crap by the universe, so the last thing they respect is people, who other-wise have good things going for them (yet still complain) to poke around for idol curiosity.

But that all being said, while the majority of them can be/are jerks, the few I have befriended are some of my best friends.

(post by Derpfest removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by samjacks313 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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