posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 11:04 AM
According to the science of Multidimensionality Physics, which is the true fabric of reality, the higher dimensionality thereof contains an eternal
hologram of the infinite eternal past and the infinite eternal future, in all its infinite in complexity, potential this and potential that. We are
simply carried along on a pre-existant line of conduction and thus quite literally anything is possible. What any one individual will experience as
reality is not decided by the individual but in fact dictated by the Holy Spirit also called the Absolute. This is what Buddhists refer to as Kharma.
So with this in mind, therefore it might be that such a catastrophic event is going to happen in the reality as some will know it. However, it is most
probable that by the Grace of God such an event will not occur in the reality as we percieve it to be. All is in the Hand of God. Peace is a Gift of
God to whom so ever she wish to give it or not as the case may be. Those whom God wishes to punnish for their multitude of sins will no doubt find
themslves having to endure such unfortunate disasters. For some further insight as to the nature of this phenomenon I advise that you try to read
"THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE" by Michael Talbot 1991 [Harper Collins] ISBN 0-586-09171-8.
[edit on 28/3/2010 by CAELENIUM]