So, now the Chinese can come and claim American land as their own when the country defaults on the debt. I am sure we all know where this is heading
as our current debt is unsustainable an president asshat is set to sign a bill which is going to cause it to skyrocker further.
So, I wonder which tracts of land the Chinese will start with first?
I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this. According to the article, the State Dept. is denying this. However, several people who would privvy
to this from within State are confirming it. So..... I'm not exactly certain what we have here.
With the current level of so called transparency in our executive branch, we may never know just exactly what gets given to China. If someone does
know, I suspect they don't want us to know about it and if they ever do release some press release on the subject, I almost certain that it will not
tell us the truth, the whole truth, or anything to do with the truth.
Maybe we as in the PTB are trying to bankrupt China instead. If we don't pay them back does their economy crash? May create a war....ohhh I get it
now ....war machine headed to China maybe?
Sorry gang... I think I jumped the gun on this one. First of all, it looks like the initial "Rumor" was leaked in Febrary of 2009 - over a year
ago. Snopes and a number of organizations have debunked the rumor. Although this appears to be a new report, I fear it is recycled fear mongering
without merit - unless, there has been some recent event of which I am not aware.
China isn't taking anything. There is no such agreement. Just more right wing lies and I for one am sick of it. Can you not oppose the current
administration with facts and truth? I don't agree with everything the Dems have done but I don't have to make up lies to argue my point.