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China’s Military Planners Took Credit for 9-11

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 11:07 PM
Let me firstly state that I do not believe anyone has yet worked out in totality the who and the why behind the events of 9/11. I am willing to admit that I am wrong and don't want this thread to turn into a Flame War. 9/11 is an issue that really does strike home for many people around the world. What I am posting is a theory, nothing more. I just feel too many people are focussing on the short-term implications of this event and not the (arguably) more important long-term implications.

Over the last few weeks, we have been flooded with theories linking the Israel spy network (Mossad) with the events of that day. Certain members have created quality threads that demonstrate how the spy network might have been involved and for what reasons. This thread was not made to distract or mislead people who ascribe to that connection. What I do hope this thread accomplishes is that it will encourage people to think in the long-term gains, not just the the short term gains.

Who do you believe has benefited most in the long-term?

If you compare Israel today with Israel in 2001, you will find things are as bad or worse for that country in terms of reputation and political relationship with others. Even relations with the USA are strained (whereas the relations with the USA after the events and several years following appeared rock solid).

If you compare China today with China in 2001 you will find that no other country has benefited to the same extent. China has basically become "the new" superpower. Everything is made there. Millions of jobs around the world have been outsourced there. It has become an extremely influential and powerful country in the political spectrum.

Read this article and hopefully you will see what I am getting at:

China’s Military Planners Took Credit for 9/11

Soon after the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, two high-ranking Chinese military planners took credit for the 9/11 attacks – and were even hailed as national heroes in China.

In fact, three years before 9/11, the Chinese colonels had proposed the attacks and cited Osama bin Laden by name in their book "Unrestricted Warfare.” (Click Here for more info on book.)

The authors of "Unrestricted Warfare” are Senior Cols. Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, and in 1999 they wrote that an attack by bin Laden on the World Trade Center would be just the type of "unrestricted warfare” that could bring down America.

The book was published by China’s People’s Liberation Army and had the endorsement of the Chinese government.

"Unrestricted Warfare” makes clear its purpose: offering China and other "weak” countries a strategy to destroy the U.S. without a full-scale invasion, using unusual or "asymmetrical” warfare.

Some key paragraphs:

"Unrestricted Warfare” makes clear its purpose: offering China and other "weak” countries a strategy to destroy the U.S. without a full-scale invasion, using unusual or "asymmetrical” warfare.

They told the paper, "The series of attacks taking place in the United States were very dreary and terrifying, but they must not be viewed from a single perspective” – that is, the U.S. as victims. The colonels then added coldly that the Americans "were victims of U.S. foreign policy.”

The colonels were quick to take credit for the attacks on the World Trade Center, telling the paper their strategy had worked and that "September 11, 2001 very likely is the beginning of the decline of the United States, as a superpower."

"From a short-term perspective, the attacks in the United States will very likely have some effect on China's economy – they might affect China's economic growth. However, from a long-term viewpoint, they could be favorable to China."

[edit on 22/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 11:43 PM
i think the topic title is a bit misleading,
it may have been their strategy in their book
but it doesn't mean there is a direct link between
China and the actual bringing down the towers on 9/11.
I didn't see any proof presented that would corroborate
this theory. Just because I write a book about flying cars
in the future and in 2045, it actually happens. Does that mean
I'm the one responsible for flying cars? I think not.
Now if the book had went into details about particulars
of that event and was found to be proved, then it might
be a different story. But it is not my opinion that China
had anything to do with 9/11 other than an overall
socio-economic prediction.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
i think the topic title is a bit misleading,
it may have been their strategy in their book
but it doesn't mean there is a direct link between
China and the actual bringing down the towers on 9/11.
I didn't see any proof presented that would corroborate
this theory. Just because I write a book about flying cars
in the future and in 2045, it actually happens. Does that mean
I'm the one responsible for flying cars? I think not.
Now if the book had went into details about particulars
of that event and was found to be proved, then it might
be a different story. But it is not my opinion that China
had anything to do with 9/11 other than an overall
socio-economic prediction.

In fact, three years before 9/11, the Chinese colonels had proposed the attacks and cited Osama bin Laden by name in their book "Unrestricted Warfare.”

They were able to identify a key suspect (OBL) 3 years prior to the event taking place. I would say that is rather specific, but just my opinion.

[edit on 22/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I understand where your coming from, I think I initially misunderstood it as well. After reading the article though, I think the reason they are taking "credit" for the attacks is because they ultimately regard us as their eventual enemy.

They wrote this book in 1999, they wrote it more as a play book on how to defeat us without direct confrontation.

Naming things that could be done, even people that could carry out these things(real people ie OBL).

Hence, when the attacks were carried out in 2001 on the WTC, ironically and allegedly by OBL, the authors and certain people of the republic of China felt they deserved credit for the idea. Not the actual planning and completion of the attacks.

I have been known to be completely wrong sometimes, so of course this is my opinion.

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