posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Maddogkull
Well if nothing can hurt me and I mean nothing. Why not. I can travel the universe. Go to every planet imaginable. If you are immortal you are a
god among men. Why wouldn’t I
Why wouldnt you? Because there is the possibility that we will as a species go extinct long before we have intergalactic flight, and you would be
left here on Earth alone. And then after billions of years dealing with whatever other species might attain intelligence, and then themselves go
extinct, at some point the sun itself would go extinct. And then you would be left to float through the void for eternity, alone and with nothing to
do but think.
Sounds a little hellish to me.
I personally dont mind immortality as long as it is in the most abstract form, meaning that my own energy is transformed at my death into something
else. Who cares what. But this identity, and this body, I would not want to be immortal. Whatever has been good enough for every living thing that
came before me is fine for me too. Who knows what journey awaits us? And why fear and avoid the unknown? It could be something better around the
corner, or something worse, or nothing at all. I will take my chances on that.