I am posting this thread because no matter where I seem to go people are really down. I understand how the world gets everybody down and how the
walls can seem to close in around us, so it's about time to start looking at the funny side of things.
Please do not get this thread confused with jokes, or puns, this thread is about things, places, events, stories, or anything that will cheer us up
and make us all a happier.
It seems that we as people want to focus on the negatives most of the time, and play the victim role, but the fact is we are in charge of our lives,
and every moment we wake up it is a new day.
So right now in this moment what do you have to make us laugh or smile?
Here is my contribution since he made me laugh like I haven't in years.
This person makes light of his condition, but he makes a living at it now. He does it willingly, he's inspiring and is really funny too.