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There should be a US invasion of Israel

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posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Simple well reasoned post. This has nothing to do with statehood and everything to do with weakening Israel’s ability to defend itself.
It is time to put this suffering by both peoples to an end. It is time for Israel to move into the west bank, Gaza, the Golan heights, and overtake and consolidate its control of these areas. Yes this will cause the displacement of people currently residing there, however it will at last put an end to their suffering due to the conflicts currently going on in those areas. I think Israel will do a good job in turning these areas into clean, productive areas that good deserving people will live in.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by PhedreusIt is time for Israel to move into the west bank, Gaza, the Golan heights, and overtake and consolidate its control of these areas.

I think Israel will do a good job in turning these areas into clean, productive areas that good deserving people will live in.

How would you feel about Iranian tanks and military moving troops into Telaviv to "consolidate it's control of the area" ?

And I believe the world will eventually do a good job of transforming Israel from a criminal and terrorist enclave, into a clean Zionist free nation, fit for decent honest people to live in.

You claim you are God's chosen people.

Why then the terrorism, the butchery, and the barbarity ?

If you truly were God's chosen people you would not be in the situation you are now in.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

And I believe the world will eventually do a good job of transforming Israel from a criminal and terrorist enclave, into a clean Zionist free nation, fit for decent honest people to live in.

Yes. 'cause the world does such a great job transforming other countries into places "fit for decent honest people".

Stereotyping all Israelis into one neat little "criminal and terrorist" package may suit your viewpoint, but it does little to solve the problems besetting the Middle East.

There is sufficient barbarity on both sides of this utterly stupid conflict. Take a look at the behaviour of the opponants of Israel as well. They hardly resemble the textbook definition of saints... Rocks and glasshouses come quickly to mind...

Of course, portraying Israelis as "God's chosen" isn't exactly going to convert many to your side either... God's chosen, eh? Not buying that either.

What the conflict in the Middle East in general, and Palestine in particular, is, is a bunch of people who have a vested interest, acquisition of power and influence, in keeping the conflict going in some fashion or other... The poor bastards, on both sides, who just want to live their lives peacefully are caught dead square in the middle...

This situation isn't helped when outsiders help keep the hate alive by very busily stereotyping both sides as "terrorists", or "criminals"...or any one of a thousand names, or descriptions.

Howzabout we all dial down the rhetoric and maybe suggest some solutions? Maybe, just maybe, someone might read 'em, and have a brainstorm, and start a ball rolling towards an equitable and long-lasting solution.

I know that's not as much fun as calling the Israelis "terrorists". Or the Palestinians "barbarians"...or is it Israeli "barbarians" and Palestinians "terrorists"? I lose track... When the majority are nothing of the sort...

Rant off...

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
Folks I believe the only justified war is if the US ivades Israel. We very tired of Israel screaming at us to do this and that.

In addition we should charge Israel for crimes against humanity like 911 and the murder of Palestinians.

I know it's impossible but if it did happened it's the only war we an support. And never mind the mnuclear bombs we can destoy them them before they even reach US soil

[edit on 21-3-2010 by starwarsisreal]

The BEST way to show support for war or military action is to enlist.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:19 AM
War with Israel?
How about stop sending dollars to Israel.
Stop buying Hollywood movies.
Stop buying Diamonds Direct.
Stop buying music intended to warp brains and distort reality.
Stop buying into the story of Jews as the chosen people.
Stop putting dual citizens into office.
Stop it all!
We really have been invaded.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by seagull

One of the ways I have always felt this could go is if Palestine is accepted within the Commonwealth of nations..

I mean if Rwanda can be adopted within the Commonwealth, along with many proviso's on their behaviour, human rights etc.. then why not Palestine?

Besides I understand that they are interested in seeking Commonwealth membership should they gain independence, so why not be involved more in the whole process.

The best part for me is that it takes the US, China and Russia out of the blame game loop.. not to mention minimising the threat of Iranian interference..

Anyway, those are just my thoughts.. I would prefer the Palestinans adopted within the Commonwealth of nations than left floundering and manipulated at every turn.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Great post. Palestine is only usefull to the enimies of Israel as they are. The would be required to run themselves otherwise.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Y'know? That's not a bad notion at all... That solution hadn't really occurred to me. That would suffice to grant them protection, of sorts, from not only outsiders, but from those within the group with that vested interest I well.

Great idea!!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Logarock

It would also protect the Palestinians from Israel as well... Don't forget, two sides, at least, to every conflict.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by seagull

I've always felt the Commonwealth is the organisation that is best suited to help resolve the situation so that both sides would be happy..

Besides it would be good to see the Palestinians at the Commonwealth Games

Now wouldn't that be a really positive step for the region

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by seagull

Stereotyping all Israelis into one neat little "criminal and terrorist" package may suit your viewpoint,

There is sufficient barbarity on both sides of this utterly stupid conflict. Take a look at the behavior of the opponents of Israel as well.

Oh you mean like all the atrocities committed by America in Israel that led up to the USS Liberty payback ?

Or maybe the 911 attack upon American civilians that Israel was involved in, was completely justified, eh ?

No, Israel is a criminal and a terrorist nation. Always has been.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Retrovertigo

I am very pro-israel. However i fear this is the only real solution we may have to the conflict at hand.Palestine's and israel's leaders are clearly not getting it right.


Your hatred is appalling.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by DeathShield

I am very pro-israel. However i fear this is the only real solution we may have to the conflict at hand.Palestine's and israel's leaders are clearly not getting it right.

Loyalty to your country is a great thing Death Shield.

But war crimes and atrocities, and false flag operations against allies are nothing to be proud of.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 04:44 AM
Just to add a little (not sure how long a post lasts, as this has nothing since march 30):

There is a webpage petition for the EU Sanctions to be imposed against Israel

And a December article by Paul Craig Roberts - was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Did you even bother to read the rest of the post you just quoted? If you didn't, please'll find I'm on no ones side here. If you did, and cherry picked that particular part of my post to prove some sort of point...well, I'm not quite sure what to tell you...

Criminal behaviour on the part of nations... Gee, there's a big surprise... Yep, just shocked to the very core of my being...[/sarcasm].

Now then, shall we discuss the behaviour of the Palestinians, too? Or does your viewpoint of criminality only go one way? Do let me know...

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by seagull

I know that's not as much fun as calling the Israelis "terrorists". Or the Palestinians "barbarians"...or is it Israeli "barbarians" and Palestinians "terrorists"? I lose track... When the majority are nothing of the sort...

Rant off...

Everyone seems to WANT to forget that Israel was created for the Jews and Jordan for the "palestinians". This is a FACT, the continued sqeeze in Israel to give up land for the poor palestinians is a complete and utter LIE...

The United States extended de jure recognition to the Government of Transjordan and the Government of Israel on the same day, January 31, 1949.[29] Clea Bunch said that "President Truman crafted a balanced policy between Israel and its moderate Hashemite neighbours when he simultaneously extended formal recognition to the newly created state of Israel and the Kingdom of Transjordan. These two nations were inevitably linked in the President's mind as twin emergent states: one serving the needs of the refugee Jew, the other absorbing recently displaced Palestinian Arabs. In addition, Truman was aware of the private agreements that existed between Jewish Agency leaders and King Abdullah I of Jordan. Thus, it made perfect sense to Truman to favour both states with de jure recognition."

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by expat2368
We don't need to invade Israel, what we need to do is remove every individual from our own government positions of power that are dual citizens or have served in the Israeli military.

That would get Rahm Emanual out of the White House and pretty much clean out the State Department. Israel invaded us a long time ago.

Its pretty much clear now that they engineered 9/11 to get us involved in both Afganistan and Iraq, deliberately killing thousands of Americans. I have no problem with Jewish people, however I do have a problem with foreign governments that spy on us and manipulate us into war.

I have never heard of this thing about American Politicians being dual citizens.
Are they elected or appointed?
In Australia it is illegal for an elected politician to hold citizenship of another nation,I believe.
Can nationals of all countries similarly hold offic ein the USA? say British,Dutch, Australian ect.
Perhaps you are misleading the casual observer of US politics?
If not can you name these dual citizens in Washington? and their second country of citizenship?

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