posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:13 PM
Hey guys, I posted a similar thread ( relating to my mysterious scars, almost three years ago,
And thought I'd give it another try, Since it's been so long.
For those who don't want to open the link, Ill restate what happened.
Five years ago, I woke to immense pain radiating on the interior sides of my knee caps.Immediately after the initial incident, I saw no marks or any
signs of physical harm. A week went by until anything odd started to appear.
Odd red indentions appeared. I'll take the time to describe them in full detail in a moment. These marks later turned into what appear to be surgical
scars. And have remained vibrant and clear for five years.
I've come to beleive or think that maybe I was experimented on or influenced by some other-world being. If you guys have any information or similar
occurances/stories that you could share, I would be very grateful.
As far as the apperance of the scars. There are two parallel scars running about half an inch on the interior side of my knees. They are horizontal in
nature, And are "spaced". Each scar looks like this, In close detail [_[_[_[_[. They mirror each other and are in roughly the exact position on both
knees. Making four in all. Again any help or info is appreciated
[edit on 20-3-2010 by spaceman16]