posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 09:06 PM
Hey recently I've been meditating more and more and getting more and more benefits out of it, reaching a deeper state and the like. About 2 weeks ago
something happened while I was in my deepest state yet, I could hear my own heartbeat growing louder and louder until everything flashed white and for
a few seconds I had a perfect moment of clarity, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced and after I just sat there basking in the
nothingness for some time.
After wards I felt more relaxed and enlightened then ever, it was like I don't know hearing the heartbeat of the universe or something. Anyways the
next day I had to travel for business and failed to meditate for a few days. When I got back home and started meditating again, I couldn't do it, not
the heartbeat thing again but meditate at all. I was getting none of the peace like normally and it just felt like I was sitting there, even getting
bored. It has been a week since then and still I can not fall into even the lightest state and unfortunately I am getting more and more frustrated,
which I know is not helping. But I literally sit there for and hour or two trying to get into it but nothing happens....
So my questions are, what was the state I reached and how come now I cannot even fall into the most basic of states now? I thought after that moment
meditation would be better. Please, any advice would be appreciated. I haven't started smoking more or drinking more. My mantra which I use for the
first 10 minutes or so to help calm me down hasn't changed either.
Anyways, thanks again for any advice.