posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Why don't Russia and China just double-team against the big bad U.S. Federal Government and U.S. Local and State Governments? To get rid of them
however to make way for a brand new country to emerge with the aid of both Russia and China. The whole world needs a new, free, ideal, borderless
country never before seen on the planet Earth that is better than all countries that have ever been on the face of the whole globe. Yes, I want the
U.S. Federal Government and U.S. Local and State Governments put out of the misery causing business. I want Russia and China to team up to free the
American people from the U.S. Federal Governement and U.S. Local and State Governments.
Federal, state, and local government, on this land called America, need to be cleaned off the globe.
Come on Russia and China, please free the globe from the world police!!!
[edit on 19-3-2010 by Tormentations]