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press for truth, full version

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:09 PM
This is one the best 911 videos I have seen in a while. It has been posted in the past BUT not in the complete version as is here. The video dwelves into the 911 Commission, Henry Kissinger's take down by the widows, Bush & Cheney's demands for "secret" meeting with 911 Commission together, mainstream's media failure to do their job and more. For those of you who haven't seen it check it out and those of you who have, see it again.

Around the 35 minute mark it really, really gets good when Condi is forced to testify!!

Then the 1000 vehicle convoy out of Kabul carrying Taliban leaders...And the U.S. never noticed!!

Google Video Link

[edit on 3/17/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 06:11 PM
If you are looking for some quality video about the events and questions of 911, then this is it. I prefer to hear from those who were there themselves or connected directly to 911 because the information is a lot more genuine and interesting because of one fact: Its real.

[edit on 3/26/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 06:58 PM
This is always a great video, IMO. If the general public wouldn't be so quick as to dismiss such arguments based upon their opposition to the OS, then I think we would be in a far different situation right now. Some of these videos are very well produced with a tremendous amount of research going into them. If only they could be more popular with mainstream America.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Seems like everybody wants 911 to be more than it really opinion only...But I think that the truth is going to be more mundane than some are hoping for. Especially those who have some of these way out theories about it. Take care...Mike

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by mikelee
This is one the best 911 videos I have seen in a while. It has been posted in the past BUT not in the complete version as is here. The video dwelves into the 911 Commission, Henry Kissinger's take down by the widows, Bush & Cheney's demands for "secret" meeting with 911 Commission together, mainstream's media failure to do their job and more. For those of you who haven't seen it check it out and those of you who have, see it again.

Around the 35 minute mark it really, really gets good when Condi is forced to testify!!

Then the 1000 vehicle convoy out of Kabul carrying Taliban leaders...And the U.S. never noticed!!

[edit on 3/17/2010 by mikelee]

Just out of curiosity, what is the obsession with making videos? Why can't the person who spliced and edited the videos together simply write down what they think, give referencese and put their name to it?

Is it just that making videos is easier? Or is there something about videos that let you do things that writing them down prohibits - like making specific references?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by hooper like making specific references?

Oh thats a real good laugh comming from you, someone who has yet to show specific references when asked.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by hooper

Hey Hooper,

Good question for sure! I guess we have to be at the mercy of those who make these then rely on our own savviness to see through what is obviously faulty or is questionable.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Very nice video. To me, over the years, the more info i have taken in the better understanding I have of what happened. After that vid, i am now certain that there was prior knowledge of these exact attackts. I can not believe how many times Bush was warned. In my opinion, the Govt. seemed to try and cover its tracks after the fact. There were told for months of the attacks and when they finally happened it totally makes Bush and his team seem like complete idiots for not being able to stop it. This horrible event has so much info, so many side stories, so many people involved.


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