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big foot from another dimension?

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:19 PM
apparently someone claims this to be true heres the story from

One of the most fascinating aspects in the research of paranormal phenomena is how strange things can really get. Most perplexing is when different types of phenomena overlap. This is sometimes the case with the Bigfoot phenomenon. Some researchers report that there is often something peculiar about sightings of the creature - something ghostlike or alien. Sightings have been linked to UFO phenomena. A trail of Bigfoot footprints sometimes ends abruptly, as if the creature simply vanished into thin air. Such mysteries have led some researchers to speculate that what we know as Bigfoot or Sasquatch could be an interdimensional creature - a being that can move from its dimension to ours at will. That is certainly not a theory that is widely accepted by cryptozoologists, but encounters like the one related by Bill cause one to wonder. This is Bill's story:

My friend Mike and I swore each other to secrecy about that night in 1985. We promised we would never tell anyone whathappened, but since that night, things for both of us seemed to change somehow.

Mike and I used to do what we called "all-nighters": we'd get in the car with some munchies and soda; Mike would bring his guitar and we would drive for at least two or three hours on the back roads of Pennsylvania, out to the middle of no-man's land. Basically, our intent was to drive until we got lost, then switch drivers and find our way home. In our part of Pennsylvania, getting lost in the sticks isn't too hard.

Getting Lost

That night was the last day of our sophomore year in high school, so we decided to celebrate with an all-nighter. We loaded up my car and off we went. I was driving out because it was my turn to get us lost. The early summer night was very hot and the sky was clear. Mike was playing some tunes on his guitar, and we were having a great time. I should mention at this point that we were not in the least intoxicated. Mike is diabetic, so liquor was never part of our all-nighters. After about two or two-and-a-half hours of driving, we were pretty well out in nowhere land.

And that's when it happened.

I was at the wheel and turned down a dark road by an old broken-down farm house. Suddenly, there was a flash of light and a bang! I hit something! It was just that quick, all happening in an instant. I slammed on the brakes and Mike and I looked at each other. I uttered a few choice words and immediately opened my door to get out of the car. But Mike screamed at me, "Stay in the car! Stay in the car! Let's get the hell outta here! What was that? Let's go!"

Strangely, I was fairly calm, ignoring the fact that there was a bright flash (or whatever it was). I thought I hit some animal. I wanted to get out to see if there was any damage to my car. I did get out and looked around. Mike, meanwhile, was having a fit because we were not buggin' outta there. I looked carefully. No damage to the car, nothing in the road or under the car. Yet I felt strange... like I was being watched.

And just that suddenly I was hit with an overwhelming sense of terror. I had to leave that place and leave it right away.

"Mike, we've got to get out of here NOW!" I said.

Mike was really starting to freak out. "What is it?" he said. "What is it?!"

"I don't know, but we have to move - NOW!"

By this time Mike had already slid over to the driver's side of the car and had it running. I hopped in the passenger seat. Mike turned the car around and floored it.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:20 PM
The White Monster

We drove for a mile or two down the road without saying one word to each another. Our eyes were focused intently out the windshield. Then we saw, crouched by the right side of the road, this "thing." It looked like a Bigfoot... only different. It looked into our headlights, stood up and ran in front of the car, across the road and into a large grove of trees. Mike hit the brakes as we both screamed.

"What in God's name was that?" he yelled.

"How the hell should I know," I yelled back. "Get the hell outta here!"

Mike jammed on the accelerator and off we sped at about 80 mph. We didn't say a word all the way home.

What Was It?

The next day we talked about the entire night before: that strange flash of light, the bump, the feeling for horror and that "thing" we saw. I can only describe it this way: When it stood, I'd say it was about 6 feet tall, ape looking but human looking at the same time. It was extremely thin and covered in scraggly white or gray hair. It had an oversized mouth with lots of teeth. And its eyes... God, its eyes looked human and frightened. I think we may have scared it as much as it scared us. I don't know.

Mike and I didn't talk much after that night. But he did tell me that he began to "see things" every now and then. I admitted that the same was happening to me too. We both seemed to see, for lack of better terms, "monsters"... "things" - I don't know, just things that shouldn't be here. I don't know what the heck we drove through that night or what it did to us, but it definitely did something.

My friend Mike passed away last year. He died in a car accident. Another person who saw the accident said it looked like he "swerved to avoid something."

I know this all sounds crazy, and this is the first time I've ever told this story. Something did happen to us that night. A vortex, a time hole, a doorway into or out of a different dimension... I don't know. Whatever it was, both Mike and I began to see things after that night, and they're not ghosts.

What the heck happened to us that night 18 years ago... and why has it never left us?

Poll: Is it possible "Bigfoot" comes from another dimension?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:14 PM
There's a photo somewhere of some kind of bigfoot that looks ghostlike, it's entirely possible that such beings are interdimensional because it would be hard for such beings to survive and be undiscovered in today's world with all the exploration that has been done.

How would they be able to transverse between dimensions, anyway? Maybe they're just spirits or ghosts.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
There's a photo somewhere of some kind of bigfoot that looks ghostlike, it's entirely possible that such beings are interdimensional because it would be hard for such beings to survive and be undiscovered in today's world with all the exploration that has been done.

How would they be able to transverse between dimensions, anyway? Maybe they're just spirits or ghosts.

an interesting idea truly can you post that picture on this thread if you find it? i would really appreciate it

thank you for posting

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

That's creepy, partially because of what happened and partially because I live in Pennsylvania

I don't think Bigfoot is from another dimension but some research suggests that he uses something called infrasound.


Infrasound has been known to cause feelings of awe or fear in humans.[16][17] Since it is not consciously perceived, it can make people feel vaguely that supernatural events are taking place.

Some animals are known to hear and use infrasound, it is possible that the primate species we know as Bigfoot developed this ability as a deterrent from human influence and that this is the reason many Native American legends describe a sense of awe or fear when encountering bigfoot.

As for the white flash it could have been eye shine or perhaps the bigfoot you hit was bright white and very reflective.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

it's not my story its from another site i stated that above

can you give any links to this phenomona or tell me where i could find info on it? it sounds most interesting

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by ashanu90

oh wait you did post a link my bad

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:56 AM
I've done a fair bit of research into the Yowie, the bigfoot we have here.

IMHO, the Yowie is certainly an interdimensional being, so I don't think your bigfoot would be any different.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
I've done a fair bit of research into the Yowie, the bigfoot we have here.

IMHO, the Yowie is certainly an interdimensional being, so I don't think your bigfoot would be any different.

interesting can you post any links to this thread?

[edit on 18-3-2010 by ashanu90]

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