posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:51 PM
Originally posted by SPreston
Greeting SPreston,
As most people know. The WTC towers were very large buildings, built to withstand quite a bit. This we can all agree on.
I would like to point out in your above picture (if you didn't notice this in the past) that the large steel trusses on all 4 corners are not part of
the building structure, but crane supports. This is removed as floors are completed. Unfortunately, some feel compelled to post this picture in a
dishonest way.
Staying on topic, I didn't recall if Mr. Avery had access to the peer review paper of Z. P. Bazant and Y. Zhou entitled: "Why Did the World Trade
Center Collapse?" that was published in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics News, vol. 34, No. 8 (October, 2001).
And the addendum:
Bazant, Z.P., & Zhou, Y.
"Addendum to 'Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? - Simple Analysis"
Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 3, (2002): 369-370.
I have read many criticisms regarding the above mentioned papers. What has not really happened, however are the criticisms passing the appropriate
processes. I do believe there is an Engineer that works on ships that has a paper in discussion with a journal as we speak. I do not have the status
as how far along that process is.