posted on May, 16 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Originally posted by freebourn
reply to post by polarwarrior
If we are a group of 20 people.
Living of the land will be very easy!
5 people goes hunting
5 people goes fishing
3 people work a small field
2 people make improvments to our habitat
5 people help around, cooking and making tools
You're going to need more than 3 people to grow crops for 20. Unless you have over 100 acres majority of your land will need to function for growing
some type of crops (and not just food even), rather than just a "small field".
You're going to want to check up on land prices in your target region (step one).
Check for micro-regions where other people of your home state and potential thinking have also 'colonized', for better odds of assimilation.
Check gun laws of your target region.
Check seed importation laws. Will you be able to bring in an exotic seed bank with you for prosperity, or will they limit you to what is local?
We can find more food then we need. Clean sources of water everywhere in parvatti. Around 800 waterfalls lol. Not to mention the massive
Parvatti river. That place has enough to go around
I'm kind of confused. It was my understanding that India is one of the most densely populated and undernourished locations on earth, and one of the
key hot spot regions for looming "Water Wars"? Even if it isn't in your target region, property prices must be a fortune (relatively).
You're best bet might be to scrounge (Craigslist, yards sales, thrift stores, etc) up materials , tools and other equipment at 'home' for a year,
and then pack a 40' shipping container to the brim and ship it all there in one shot, rather than move there and be limited to what can be acquired
locally. Shipping a 40' container to Argentina cost something like $4,000. Show up with a biodiesel processor and the like, to have a solid business
And why India? You'll be HARD PRESSED to assimilate. Argentina might be a vastly better destination for you, and plenty of people are already moving
there from everywhere else.
Originally posted by DClairvoyant
Society needs to get money out of the picture and crack down on the corporate laws and interest's who really do own everything we have even us. Once
people wake up to this a lot more action can be taken against the perpretrator's who's only interest in us are our money.
What does your Zeitgeist Movement propaganda have anything to do with surviving in India??