posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:27 AM
I am not really sure what to title this post, but I simply wanted to share an experience I had. I hope you find it worth the time it took to read.
There was a time, years ago, when I lived with my aunt. She was deathly afraid of burglars or other nightly intruders invading her home, so she would
never forget to lock every door and window in her home before going to bed every night. This never bothered me, and I certainly don't blame her for
being on the safe side.
One more little detail before I go any further. Many years ago she had some locks installed on her door that could only be opened from the inside of
the house. I think they were some kind of child safety lock, but I am not completely certain about that.
Back to the story... one particularly scary morning she woke me up, banging on my bedroom door, and yelling at me because I left both the front and
back door open all night. I calmly walked out of room, assured her that I would never do such a thing, and then went to investigate. Sure enough both
doors were wide open. Both of them were locked the night before, and there was absolutely no sign of forced entry. The locks that you can only open
from inside were definitely locked that night, as they always are. The two of us searched the house for any missing valuables, and not a single thing
was missing.
I have been trying to figure out what the heck happened ever since this odd event occurred. I don't live with my aunt anymore and I've called her
often. Not once have the doors unlocked themselves ever again. If she was a sleepwalker I suspect I'd have known. If I was a sleepwalker I also
suspect my girlfriend would have told me by now.
Anyone know what on earth could have happened? Anyone's guess is as good as mine.
[edit on 17-3-2010 by aletheia]