Rules are. Must be a real life experience, personal or someone else's.
Here's mine
Years ago I had my in-laws over from out of town. Now these people are good people, but really prim and proper, never stepping out of the box or on
the wild side.
Picture this, we are all sitting in the living room chatting, getting into a really great conversation, then out of nowhere our 2 year old comes out
of mommy and daddy’s bedroom with 2 pink objects in his hands, one in the left and one in the right. Yes, giggling and wiggling away. Now, at that
moment I could see distressed looks, on their faces, but we had our backs to our son.
As he passed us by I could see the objects, out of the corner of my eye, but it was too late to intercept. Our little one scurried to the center of
the room quickly grasping everyone’s undying attention, and believe me he did. As he spiked both of mommy’s intimate pink play toys into center
of our conversation, they dance and bounced a bit around, and his mother nearly passed out. Now by this point you think no more harm can be done,
Wrong! our little one said, “buzz hmmm buzz buzz mommy”
Without saying a word I quickly scooped up both toys and made them disappear back into out room. I had tears running down both sides of my face from
holding back the laughter. I gained composer, then returned to the living room. I was ready for someone to say something, but I looked around and
felt the tension. For me it would have been a great laugh and conversation piece, but no one said a thing.
I almost said, so honey are you going to have another one of those “Brown Bag Parties” or what?, but I held my tongue.
Later that night I told his mother, it’s probably best if you put those things a lot higher up now. And we both busted out into tearful
I still today laugh my butt off about the situation thinking, WTF was going through their minds.
Title Edit by RT
[edit on 17-3-2010 by Realtruth]