posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I have been on ATS and everyone including myself have predicted That 1 major event that what change the world as we know it.Everything from the Swine
Flu to 2012 most have fizzled out or never surfaced,but you know how you just have that feeling in your gut that wont go away that something is
looming..Well ive been thinking that maybe the Swine Flu and the hype around 2012 maybe its a smokescreen for this some to come economic collapse?the
Swine Flu has not gone away just dormant some have even began to talk about a mutated strain somewhere in Russia,as for 2012 theres to much hollywood
into that we will have to wait and see.but the AMERO ive been on goggle and listened to Hal Turner talk about it.even seen some of the
why have they even minted this currency not to use it my fellow ATSer's i want to know what you guys think "how and when this MIGHT happen