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9/11=Forced Entry Into New World Order

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:53 PM
The following is an opinion.9/11 was orchestrated to force the United States into the jurisdiction of the New World Order.I do not believe that 19 hijackers (from ANYWHERE) are capable of carrying out an event of this magnitude against the most powerful nation on this planet.Europe has already been centralised.The next step would be to centralise North America.How to do this,with the least amount of resistance? 9/11.The American people would never willingly give up our sovereignty to a world government.,just look at our history.But now we have suffered the most horrific crime of the century.There are those who swallow the line of the OS.No problem for TPTB.Then there are those who just aren't buying it.So,we argue and fight amongst ourselves as to whether there should be a further investigation.Next we hear that if and when there is,the investigation should be conducted by an international team,because we no longer trust our own government.We hear of other nations who aren't buying into the bull**** either.The momentum reaches such a crescendo,that the WORLD COURT steps in to conduct an investigation panneled by leaders from around the globe.The Court finds that the U.S. government was complicit in the events leading up to and during the attacks.The court further finds that the military and intelligence sectors were also involved. RESULT #1: We The People are outraged and ready to" storm the walls of the city". RESULT #2: The entire World is outraged and demands accountability,due to the thousands of unjustified deaths resulting from The War On Terror.,loss of liberties,etc. The World Court decides it is in the best interests of the planet as a whole,to disband the government of the United States thereby restructuring it.Cleaning house,if you will.The World Court further deems it necessary to absorb the U.S. military and restructure it as well. BRILLIANT plan., Welcome to The New World Order...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Congrats on working this out for yourself.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Yeppers ....I believe it very well could be the plan.STAR FOR YA
And you are right ,I dont think Americans will fall into line very well with giving up their country to the NWO, and there could be civil war before the average citizen gives up their country to the world,unless they promise the American people a boost to the economy by lowering the price of everything and give them jobs and some sort of get out of debt free card etc ..(Money is Americas god) .In other words I also believe this whole money mess (debt,high prices and no one spending)situation is one of their problem reaction solution plans all along so they can play it as a trump card (dangling carrot) get most to agree with it all ....

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:58 PM
I totally agree with the psychological impact aspect. If you haven't seen this video yet, it's a must! Although I'm sure the ATS community in general is aware of it.

But I would definitely NOT say that 9/11 was one of the most horrific crimes of the century. Maybe for Americans...

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