Lets dig into a little about prophecy.
I see a time in 2 years.
I see that Im not looking into a time, but rather into destiny. A destination that is not a place to be, but a place to become.
I see Bright Sunny Days, I see everything looks more colorful. I see children playing in what looks like summer on a beach. I see people building
sandcastle's and kneeling near big white tents that point towards the sky/sun. I see these people have their hands facing upward in kneeling prayer,
a tear escapes eyes. Some look up to the sky, a face looks back and smiles. I see ships white disc shaped ships, landing near fields and close to
barns, windows, I see people looking through with some apprehension and slight fear.
Seed is put into the minds, fear is vanishing as fast as it came. Fear is gone, people feel joy, and we see visitors that look human coming from the
ships with their eyes and ears, and arms open. I see they are smiling and people are holding their stomach and crying, some are in shock. I see it
openly happen. Visitors come and touch those who are crying in tears, we are being told they are sick and they are giving them medicine.
They put them to sleep with medicine and take them abord their mothership. Many people and their familys are sad for this. Some visit the ships like
me, and see people in some kind of statis. In the mothership you can feel a sense of overwhelming love and peace of clearity. I am being told some
people do not know how to handle these intense 'new' feelings. That their body is damaged on a cellular level, and they show me on diagrams.
I'm going to a place in the future, 200 years. I see a grand giant city like the star wars city Coruscant. I see people are garbed in simple white
clothes. They are praying and kneeling together I feel, I feel that they are knowing togetherness, as they look at eachother and smile first and they
do not speak as much through dialog. They all seem to 'know'. Speaking is there but infrequent.
I get the feeling it took a long hard time to build this, that the beings from space are still coming and going, but they are really not doing
anything for us. They are really just watching and overseeing us. They come and go alot. They share, but dont even get invovled in our lives as
much as many would like in that time.
I see councils set up demanding rights and things like more advanced technology. They are shaking their heads in dismay, feeling is you are not ready
yet. The humans have the feeling that we have been dragged around for such a long time, that we should play a more prominent role.
They assure the council heads that we are right where we are wanted and meant to be. That we are still moving, they are so advanced, beyond our
The thoughts Im getting right now outside of this vision, is this. "We are so advanced right now that your civilization can not see us without rare
and primitive technology and its rare for others to see us in our current form. That the time leading into the future, in many years, we will be able
to see them as they are now, without using anything but your eyes."
Thats not meant to scare, only to explain why you must reach us before we can reach you. And even then its still a long haul
Then we start.
They are telling me whats important for me to do now is express myself and share stories of real life events, that for all of us to do this as the
time nears to make the transition easier, and faster. So we can start living life and rebuilding quicker with their protection of course. So those
who are not ready will be picked up and taken abord and put to sleep until they repair the damage.
[edit on 16-3-2010 by DarkCyrus]