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Could this be the END of RELIGIONS as we know them ?

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posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:45 PM
Evidence has been released that contradicts what we have been told about the source and origins of religious legends and stories - including the Creation Account.

Brief summary of findings…

The stories about gods and God from the ancient Middle East, including Egypt, all came from the same non-divine source.

The story of Enki (as related by Sitchin) is not about an encounter with aliens.

Ancient Creation accounts all came from the same non-divine origin.

The Hebrew, Christian, and Muslim perceptions of GOD also came from this same source.

The story of Atlantis and the biblical story of Creation came from the same non-divine source.

Moses held in his hands this non-divine source - being one of the ‘tablets of stone’.

Babylonian and Mesopotamian accounts called this same stone the ‘tablet of destiny’.

Documented in the Old Testament, Ezekiel and Daniel’s “visions” came from this same non-divine source.

In Revelation (NT) John’s “visions” also came from the same non-divine source.

The story by Ezekiel about seeing “Wheels within Wheels” is not about seeing an alien spaceship.

In referring to “The Lamb (of God)” John was not referring to Jesus.

John documents being shown the source and origin of all these things.
He called it ‘A book with seven seals, written on the backside and the inside’.

Egyptian scribes also held this object. They depicted and called it the ‘RA-Disk’.

Hindu tradition documents this same object as ‘the Egg of Brahma’.

Biblical Gospel scholars note a missing document (called the “Q”) that was the original source for some of the New Testament stories.

Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, documented holding ‘artifacts’, and a mid 1800s picture shows him holding the case which held a specific ‘seer stone’.

The ‘tablet of stone’ held by Moses, the Sumerian ‘tablet of destiny’, the Hindu ‘the Egg of Brahma’, John’s ‘book’, the Egyptian ‘ra-disk’, the ‘Q’, and Smith’s ‘seer stone’ all refer to the same non-divine object.

In 1998 the Australian researcher Ronald Pegg identified this non-divine object, conducted investigations, and subsequently found the basis for all the above religious subject matter not to be of a divine origin.

There is now proof revealing that there is no GOD, and that this religiously perceived GOD did not create the earth 6,000 years ago.

2 videos show from where much of the above subject matter originated

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Eddy_P
The story of Enki (as related by Sitchin) is not about an encounter with aliens.

Is not or is?
I am assuming you made a typo here.

To me, whether or not we are some "experiment" by some ancient advanced alien civilization is a moot point. I tell you why.

Let's assume that we are an "experiment." What does that really prove? Well, it proves that there are other life forms in the universe. Yes. Beyond that, not much.

You are still left with answering what was responsible for the universe and the aliens existence to start with. Do you know what you get from nothing? Absolutely nothing. You cannot tell me that there was just this "poof" and all of a sudden, space was there.

In regards to what impact this would have on religion, I don't see where it would be the death knell of religion for the simple reason I just cited. If it is, then religion shouldn't be anyway, if it is that weak.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Well, it is at least a very novel idea. I hadnt heard this one before.

However, I have to say that it was quite a stretch. The narrator had to skip over a whole of of the religions meat and bones to make the disc theory even mildly plausible.

Good find though. It was interesting as a theory.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:08 AM
A 'non-divine' origin(?) that 'all' came from?
You know not the Hebrew or its origins!

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:19 AM
this can Makes People do nothing but live in the Boring Plastic balls.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Eddy_P

Well I guess that's it then. There really is no God. Guess now I will have to tell all those atheists I convinced over the years, along with the many
evolutionists how sorry I am, that I led them astray. Sorry everyone,
we're all gonna be transients in the here after.....

So little time so much to know.

poor lil fella.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:28 AM
What evidence is there and by that(?) what alternative can you possibly produce better?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:52 AM
Please research before you post, can you tell me specifically which Hindu tradition you got this from "Hindu tradition documents this same object as ‘the Egg of Brahma’. "
If this tablet is the item so called ‘the Egg of Brahma’ then how could Moses hold it in his hands? Do you have any idea what ‘the Egg of Brahma’ is?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:06 AM
I wish I didn't have to have my computer in safe mode to get on the internet. Damn viruses!!! As it is, I can't hear the video. I wish I could.

However, I stand by what I said in my initial stance. That's how I view the whole "aliens are our creators" theory. It really has no impact, whatsoever, on my personal beliefs. I have read Sitchin's work and, to be honest, am quite open to the idea. However, it doesn't disprove an ULTIMATE Deity at all.....

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:08 AM
I am shocked at out how lackluster this turned out to be.

There is now proof revealing that there is no GOD, and that this religiously perceived GOD did not create the earth 6,000 years ago.

The claims made by you and your links remind me of people finding Bible "codes" that can only, at best, give a fuzzy, vague descriptions of events in hindsight.

It wasn't a bear, it was a lion. You would think anyone living in ancient times would know this. Watch the video and you will see what I am talking about.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:31 AM
Wait...what tha...

How does this video prove anything? are we now suggesting that a cd-rom was sent back in time, with a perhaps laptop, and a decent battery...or that these people were sent forward in time...or that they had a nostradamous effect seeing this through some drug induced meditation while poking around on it that travelled back in time?

Few more simple answers to this
1) the creators of the design either consciously or subconsciously put these things just as so for the purposes of mirroring biblical teachings

2) coincidence and speculation

3) the biblical authors in question travelled through time, became computer programmers, and sold a bunch of ancient worlds CDs now on sale at Amazon

ok, 3 isn't a real option.

anyhow, using a touch of reason, it really has to be just 1 or 2...besides, these ancients knew what a elephant was...they would have said a white elephant, not a pale horse.

time to watch video 2...had to stop after the first video just to call bunk, but still interesting enough to see the coincidences.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:54 AM
One of the more amusing threads Ive read.

The plausibility factor is well below zero .. but the creativity factor is way up there.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Eddy_P

So I don't believe any of that crap, but just for fun here's what I know.

First off, in the second video he puts up a picture of the eight witnesses holding a CD jewel case and says the picture is from the 1830's. I tried to check into it and I can't find any information about that picture. Where it came from and so forth.

However, nowhere have I seen that picture posted did they say it was an actual photo of the event. As far as I know, no known photo of that actual event exists. Any information about what that picture actually is would be helpful. I think he's trying to pass that off as the real thing when it's not.

Now get this. as for the gold plates. First off, CDs are silver, not gold. Burnt CDs are usually blue or green, usually.

However, I'm old. Back around 1995 when this CD was actually made, blank CDs sometimes were gold color. Sometimes they still are. However, gold colored blank CDs were actually a little more common back then.

In other words if this crackpot is actually right, and the gold plates were actually CDs given to him by a time traveler, they weren't the actual CDs in Smith's case. They were probably burnt copies made from the originals instead.

Another claim in the first video is when he says there's a file on the CD that's 143,442 bytes and rounded up that's the 144,000 number from the Bible. But that claim could be more complicated than that.

The writers of the Bible would most likely have written exactly what they had seen. They would have written 143,422 and not 144,000. Why would they have written 144,000 instead? Well, here's where it gets good if you're a geek.

The first thing you have to learn about is disk sectors. Your hard drive is divided up into a whole bunch of sectors. When you save a file to disk the file is divided up into chunks that can be stored in these sectors.

Sometimes those chunks of the file are smaller than the sector they're stored in. However, each sector can only store data from one file. That means the rest of the sector gets wasted if you don't use it all.

That means even if the file is 143,442 bytes, once you add in the wasted unused space from the sectors it may actually take up a bit more space sector wise on the disk than the file actually needs.

When you right click on a file in Windows and go to properties it tells you the actual size of the file and also gives you the size on disk number. The size on disk number is how much space a file actually takes up on disk once the wasted sector space is accounted for.

Now get this. Different operating systems and storage drives have different sector sizes meaning two files the same size can take up different amounts of actual disk space depending on which disk it's stored on.

Hard drives that your OS runs off have sector sizes of 512 bytes where an optical CD-ROM has sector sizes of 2048 bytes.

Now, I did a little experiment. I created a text file that was exactly 143,442 bytes in size. Not kilobytes like he says in the video. If you look at the bottom of the file manager in the video it shows 22 files that are 1.56 megs in size. So the 143,442 should be in bytes not kilobytes cause that many kilobytes would be more than a meg. About 140 megs actually. So it has to be bytes.

I checked on my Windows 7 machine with the NTFS file system that uses 512 sectors and guess what? The actual size on disk for the file is exactly 144 KB.

Some file managers may show the size on disk number so it might be a clue as to which file manager they were using, or which options they had set in the file manager. But I have no idea which file manager that could be. All the ones I know of show the file size, not the size on disk unless you go looking for it yourself.

But perhaps that's what they would have seen if the file was on a hard drive with 512 byte sectors is that the file was 144,000 bytes, not 143,442.

But there's a problem. The file wasn't on a hard drive. It was on a CD. CDs have sector sizes of 2048 bytes messing up the calculation. For example I burnt my file to CD and on a CD the file only takes up 142 KB actual sector bytes on the disk. Since the sectors are bigger you don't need as many of them, so you don't waste as much space.

So, why would the writers write 144,000 and not 142,000? Here are some theories.

First, they really did just round the number up.
Another theory is the files had been copied off the CD onto the hard drive.

But another theory is they were using an old file manager or old operating system. Maybe the programmer of it didn't know CDs and hard disks had different sector sizes. Most people aren't aware of that. They just assumed that all file systems used 512 byte sectors like the HD does so the program does the calculation wrong producing the 144,000 number.

So, for more research from a geek point of view one could go check out old file managers from the time and see if any report actual disk usage with wasted sectors counted in instead of just the file size and see if any of them have a bug that calculates files on CD as if the CD used 512 byte sectors.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by tinfoilman]

[edit on 16-3-2010 by tinfoilman]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by tinfoilman
…he says there's a file on the CD that's 143,442 bytes and rounded up that's the 144,000 number from the Bible...
…So, why would the writers write 144,000 and not 142,000?

The “writer” was the author of the Book of Revelation.
John was shown the contents of the cd-rom by a time traveller (aka. Angel).

He documents that he was told the number of the seal in Revelation 7:4 as "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: sealed an hundred forty four thousand".
This means that the TT talking to him - told him the rounded up number.

Originally posted by tinfoilman
Now, I did a little experiment. I created a text file that was exactly 143,442 bytes in size. Not kilobytes like he says in the video.

Yes. It should say bytes, not kilobytes.

Originally posted by tinfoilman…he puts up a picture of the eight witnesses holding a CD jewel case and says the picture is from the 1830's. I tried to check into it and I can't find any information about that picture. Where it came from and so forth.

Link to a comprehensive report on the matter

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:29 AM
Religions will not end because of some "new discovery". They will end because of the lies they have promoted. They have been given plenty of rope and now they are hanging themselves by their own words and misdeeds.

Religions will end because it is not the truth. Those who have promoted their corporate religions as a lucrative business are being stripped naked for the liars, controllers, and thieves they are. There are no innocents. Too much information concerning their power, abuse, and twisted teachings have been laid bare for anyone to be able to claim innocence for their part in promoting this.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Religions will end because it is not the truth.

Well, if the point of religion was that it be the "truth" or die, you might be right.

But what if the "truth" of the matter isnt the point?

Consider; if I tell you God says, dont eat the mushrooms with red caps and whites spots, or he will punish you."

Now God did not tell me that, so when I tell it to you, it is not the truth. We dont at this point even know if God exists to punish you. However, there is a poisonous mushroom with a red cap and whites spots, and if you eat one, you may well die.

So, simply because my lie to you offers evolutionary value, (it gives you a higher chance of survival) that lie will probably spread in the population and survive. (Much like the prohibition against eating pork did.) It doesnt matter one whit if there is a God, if the God spoke to me or if I made it up, or if that God who may or may not exist wishes to punish you. The "truth" of the God statements are a separate issue from the evolutionary value of the lie.

The big three religions, the Abrahamic religions, have evolutionary value. Whether or not there ever was a God speaking to anyone, the stories in those religions act in two ways. The promote growth and prosperity from within, (make lots of babies, help one another, and rules to promote internal harmony about stealing, killing etc.) And they also allow for killing off those who do NOT accept the meme. Religion does not need to be true to exist and continue to spread. All it has to do is provide evolutionary value to its adherents that exceeds the evolutionary value of the memes spread by those who do not practice it.

Religions will not end because they are not absolute truths, they will only end if and when the premises they are built upon become inharmonious with human survival.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Is there anything mentioned at all about the rainbow of colours that a CD has, even the coloured light that reflects onto walls?
Seems to me that would be an obvious descriptive point, and I read nothing on that in the John Smith account.
One would think that would be mentioned.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Toadmund
Is there anything mentioned at all about the rainbow of colours that a CD has, even the coloured light that reflects onto walls?

Yes. During the years of evaluating Pegg’s work, there was a mention of the rainbow, referring to the colours from the back of the cd-rom.
But, I do not know which of Pegg’s works contained that reference.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:54 AM
Found one:

The Aboriginal Dreamtime Creation
The previous chart gives the Relationship of Animals and Humans in the Dreamtime Creation.83

Ron Pegg’s Key Word explanations for it;

In Level I
The “Crystal Sky Throne” = the in the Screen = the Voyage Screen.
The “Rainbow Womb” = the womb of the “rainbow” coloured CD-Rom = the screen.

When the Ancients CD-Rom is commenced, but before the Introduction Sequence, a sequence is shown. This sequence includes a spinning compact disk, and shows how the “colours of the rainbow” are reflected from off of its silver side. This is the “rainbow” association.
A “womb” is from where animals and humans are born. On the screen of this CD-Rom are animal and face icons. These icons appear (born) and disappear (die) each time a civilization is selected and viewed.

From Pegg’s “Ancient Chronicles Unsealed” book.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:03 PM

So I took the bait...went to your site...

Timetravelers from our future went back to important dates in history to enlighten mankind as to future events, through the use a Cd-rom from our past? Maybe back in 1995 this would have been really a really neat story, but with time I think it has become illogical.

While reading through Robbs comparison of Ezekiel's prophecy using the "the 1995 Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean compact disk"
I kept having flashbacks of watching the 'Wizard of Oz' while playing 'Dark Side of the Moon'
Timetravelers did it!

But even with this neat timetraveler does it disprove religion, and God? Because we today missinterpret the relating of the people in the past's way of describing what they saw...?
The leap of faith required to fall into the idea of people in our future going to our past with technology no longer from our present to prepare us through them, without creating multiple universes and infinate timelines is nearly inconcievable. But not unimaginable. Should try selling it to Hollywood.


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