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ClimateGate is an Oil Company Conspiracy / Plan to Increase Profits

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posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 05:59 PM
interesting article...

it says that the past head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Bob Watson, was booted out by George Bush at the request of ExxonMobile, and replaced with a new scientist, Rajendra Pachauri, who is now being asked to resign for unscientifically denying Indian Government climate change data.

from the article:

"The head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri, is also in hot water. In November he dismissed as "voodoo science" a report for the Indian government showing that the IPCC's date for the disappearance of Himalayan glaciers was wrong. It's now clear that, actually, the IPCC's claim was voodoo science. It reproduced a speculative suggestion – that the glaciers were going to disappear by 2035 – that had not been published in any peer-reviewed journal. Pachauri's immediate dismissal of the Indian government's refutation was unscientific as well as wrong."

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[edit on 3/15/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:00 PM
So... ExxonMobile got the President of the United States to fire a scientist and replace him with a new scientist who turned out to be corrupt? Weird... Isn't that a conspiracy, since one or many wealthy oil tycoons got together and conspired / planned to get President Bush Jr. to replace a real climate scientist with a corrupt climate change denier?

That is literally a conspiracy / plan against real climate change science... seriously, and your article is the one that brought it to my attention...

But who owns ExxonMobile and would want to do such a thing? Who owns ExxonMobile, a company so powerful and influential that he could request that the President of the United States fires a real climate change scientist and replaces him with a corrupt climate change denier?


None other than John D Rockefeller, of course, the man who founded Standard Oil. It seems that Standard Oil came under public scrutiny and concern due to their monopoly in the oil industry and their influence on politics and foreign policy, so due to the public's outrage, Standard Oil was forced by the Supreme Court to 'dissolve' into 34 companies. Two of these companies were Exxon and Mobile, which later merged to become Exxon Mobile.

John D Rockefeller is father of John D Rockefeller Jr, who is the father of David Rockefeller (currently living), the one that owns JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan, and countless other huge corporations, the same one that has strong influences in politically-active groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, the same one that has spoken at United Nations conferences to advocate for population reduction due to limited resources, the same one who wrote the autobiography entitled Memoirs which admitted to planning a One World Government and thanked the mainstream media corporations for not reporting on their plans. (i bought the book to verify the quotes)

Small world...

History of ExxonMobile (from:

"ExxonMobil Building, ExxonMobil offices in Downtown HoustonExxon Mobil Corporation was formed in 1999 by the merger of two major oil companies, Exxon and Mobil. Both Exxon and Mobil were descendants of the John D. Rockefeller corporation, Standard Oil which was established in 1870. The reputation of Standard Oil in the public eye suffered badly after publication of Ida M. Tarbell's classic exposé The History of the Standard Oil Company in 1904, leading to a growing outcry for the government to take action against the company."

"By 1911, with public outcry at a climax, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Standard Oil must be dissolved and split into 34 companies. Two of these companies were Jersey Standard ("Standard Oil Company of New Jersey"), which eventually became Exxon, and Socony ("Standard Oil Company of New York"), which eventually became Mobil."

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[edit on 3/15/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:00 PM
Skeptics and Conspiracy Theorists, do you see that we can agree on something? That climate change is REAL, and that there are wealthy oil tycoons that are conspiring against us to convince us that climate change is not real to boost their profits using the Climate Change Denial Movement (aka ClimateGate)?

Do you see how this is a conspiracy, since climate change is real but wealthy oil tycoons have executed a plan / conspiracy to try and convince us otherwise so that the rich can get richer? (while the poor keep getting poorer?)

I am only trying to say, I AGREE WITH YOU SKEPTICS ON THIS ONE, we are on the same team, and I think we both believe that the whole "ClimateGate" movement is not a scientific movement, but a propagandized plan / conspiracy that wealthy oil tycoons are using to make even more money.

Thank you for reading and for any feedback or comments, I truly appreciate it.

All the best to you all, both skeptics AND conspiracy theorists!


posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Good info.

And yes, I have to agree that obviously this is a war between factions... as everything is.

It certainly is not cut and dried in any manner.

While there may be a conspiracy against climate change, does that in turn imply that climate change is real?

No, that is a fallacy in reasoning regardless of whether climate change is real or not.

Which brings us to 'Anthropogenic' Warming, or Man-made climate change.

Who is behind the AGW movement? If the oil cartels are behind climate-gate, then what faction is trying to push AGW?

I think it would be great to clean up our industries, but that doesn't mean I need to think humans are responsible. Is it a benevolent organization, with the dirty but effective philosophy of 'the end justifies the means'? Or is it just another faction trying to fight against the rogue Rothschild faction that is the Rockefeller/NWO/Illuminati...

Perhaps there is data that makes it seem like climate change is real, and perhaps it is, but this data would presumably be empirically equivalent to natural cycles -- like from the sun. We simply haven't been around long enough to know IMO.

Nice article, thanks OP.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by beebs]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:25 PM
So what part of climategate exactly are you saying was down to the oil industry? The leaking of the emails? Are the emails themselves fabricated by the oil industry? Are the admissions of stonewalling and destruction of climate data also fabrications manufactured by the oil industry? I realize climategate might be a well needed slap in the face to the ecofascists but c'mon, you're grasping at straws.

Besides, this crap that the oil companies are somehow in threat by the world going green is just misinformation. They've been investing in these "clean" technologies being shoved down our throats for years and they'll profit no matter which way the wind blows. The only conspiracy is this "good cop bad cop" scenario we see from the likes of yourself.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Good work here!

Yes I agree, it is pretty obvious that Big Oil is behind Climategate and probably even the entire "Green" movement in business. I mean, it is after all the Big Oil companies that make all those "going green" commercials.

I also believe that Big Pharma is behind the whole Healthcare debacle as well, simply for the chance to rewrite the rules so they can make way bigger profits.

This is pretty much how Corporate interests do business these days isn't it? Gain influence and make sure YOUR guy is sitting in the Opposition's CEO chair.

It's the age old divide and conquer.

But as you can see, taking shortcuts like this has drawbacks, such as the fact that this thread even exists. Their cover is being blown.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by m4nchur14n

I believe that most likely the odds are that Big Oil (And the Military Industrial Complex overall), has had access to clean energy sources since at least Tesla.

Thus it would make sense that they are behind the creation of the "Going Green" movement in industry and business. Since they could profit off such a move.

Hell we could have had free clean wireless energy many decades ago.

Big $ is clearly behind the suppression of advanced methods of energy generation and transmission.

And the whole "Global Warming" agenda is just another smoke and mirrors game...

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:36 PM
Yes folks, if you think for one minute that the energy companies are going to lose on cap and trade, you are seriously uninformed! You know who will lose? Us. The world. You know how many people a rise in energy costs kills everyday?

The companies will pollute, will buy credits and pass the cost on to us, with a mark-up for their trouble, just like they have done with the regulations of gasoline production. The spend an extra .05/gal and we pay another .50.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:41 PM
It does seem like a last minute move by the big oil faction to remain in power.

They are running a blitzkrieg right now. Look at fox news calling heavily for a revolution... A revolution papered by the rockefeller faction no doubt.

All this has happened since they left power in the bush administration.

The thing I am really curious about is what faction obama represents...

If the NWO is so strong and overpowering, then why would this rockefeller faction be backpedaling with fox, and creating havoc with the climate change stuff. If they owned the system, they would not need to backpedal, because they would still be in power.

Maybe, even though it seems like a bad step for REAL climate change, this is a good sign that the evil NWO faction is dying -- and after the dust settles we can figure out where we are at with climate change.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I dont see it , the Oil companies / Govt. earn more by getting to add carbon tax on everything, including your breathing, rather than getting oil prixes up and increase in Gas for cars etc. It makes no sense !!

Carbon tax/pop-offsets on plane tickets etc ?

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:50 PM
Well, lets settle the debate on man made global warming first (I do not think it is real).
Final Debate: Global Warming

As to whether the whole climategate thing was put out by powerful opposition, I do not know, but at least they were able to stop the global tax and control system from being put in in Copenhagen.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by time91

Come on , the Warming and 2012 is an distraction .....

Change is accuring and the reason is false...Look around you, Govt. suck up every penny there is , for what ?
something is warming and it is not your exhaling, okey...

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by PookztA

1: Pachauri is not a climate change denier. He is pro AGW.

2: ClimateGate is not a movement it is an event revolving around a collection of emails. We still don't know if these were stolen by hackers or leaked by a whistleblower within the organisation

3: There really is no such thing as a "Climate Change Denial Movement"
No one I know of disputes that climate change is happening. What is disputed is the causes. The center of the dispute is the role of Co2 emitted by mankind

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by PookztA

well, if you think this way, I think u are thinking it wrong

I really cant relate climate change denial with profits ... I mean, it doesnt make sense

you know why? because the richest people in this world produce oil, so, if they are trying to make a denial movement, they are doing it wrong ... since al gore is winning and winning it by a large distance

because all countries are agreeing that we are having a climate change, when, until today, no scientific evidence was presented

so, please, they could do a better movement if they were behind climate denial ... because, as I told u, its not climate denial, its a scientific evidences please!! movement ...

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
reply to post by time91

Come on , the Warming and 2012 is an distraction .....

Change is accuring and the reason is false...Look around you, Govt. suck up every penny there is , for what ?
something is warming and it is not your exhaling, okey...

I believe the climate is changing, because it always has and always will. However if the earth really was warming then why did every researcher have to have such an active campaign of lying, changing data, and removing scientists who went against them? And how would taxing every person and setting up a global financial government stop global warming, if it actually existed???????

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:07 PM
amazing thing about this flag is that it possesses 6 flags, it shows u how dumb people here in this board really are

they dont even try to discuss a subject, they come with their minds already made and very closed

congrats, no matter what movement u are a part of, those who control are winning

[edit on 15-3-2010 by Faiol]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by time91

It is like McDonald and Burger king, people must see that people are 'fighting for the cause' and the climate thing is an very huge income source for the Govt. , just think about all the money they get on the Co2 scam. The gasoline is way over prized, and it is due to the Co2 greenhouse gas scam, without it , the co2 tax have NO justification of being there, as we should demand removed, since it is proven to be madeup and false...

Now, the changes are natural, no doubt, but it seems to be more sever at surten time periods, I cant go into it here, but if you pay attantion, you have global warming in your face all day long and people must agree that Co2 (your breath) is destryoing the planet. Even Bill Gates has turned on humanity, saying we can reduce population thru good vaccines and birth-controll clinics..

Why would he say such a thing ? To make people upset and angry, this will, if I am guessing correct, be much worse during this year..

We will see alot of stupid ideas from our govts, costing insanly amounts of money etc... All to keep our eyes on the ground...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by m4nchur14n
So what part of climategate exactly are you saying was down to the oil industry? The leaking of the emails? Are the emails themselves fabricated by the oil industry? Are the admissions of stonewalling and destruction of climate data also fabrications manufactured by the oil industry? I realize climategate might be a well needed slap in the face to the ecofascists but c'mon, you're grasping at straws.

I think they are controlling both sides of the argument...

Climate Change is real, but they are responsible for exaggerating it (Al Gore) and for denying it (Climate Gate).

This way, they maximize profits off the oil that remains, while buying them more time to monopolize the alternative energy industry.

Just my 2 cents.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:40 PM
and once again the magician gets you to look at the pretty assistant and you fail to see the magician taking more freedoms from you as every day goes by.

With a wave of his wand he blames the oil industry and in a puff of smoke he will then convince you of the opposite and then with hands cuffed behind his back he will convince you to give up everything to be a poorly fed slave rather than a hungry free man.

When are people going to focus on the magician?

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