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The truth about 9/11 - Be carfeful what you wish for ??

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:57 AM

My thoughts as you requested:

I do not believe Obama would do such a thing, why? Because of Joe Biden. My opinion is that Biden is the "keeper of Obama" appointed by the larger portion of the body of government becasuse of Obama's inexperience. Obama has no more experience to be president than a new senator in office with 4 years of experience...thats it! So for the president to do this would have to be approved by Biden and his clique which would never happen.

Why wouldn't that happen"

Because the current administration despite all of their tone regarding the last president's choices are benefitting from those very decisions Bush & Cheney, Rice & Rumsfeld made. So are the politicos in DC and government. An example is that because of the Patroit Act law enforcement agencys now have more authority to violate a citizens' right to remain silent and search & seizure laws than many people realize...even those who work in law enforcement and are not intimate with political works & back room dealings.

The events of 911 go deeper than just a conspiracy inw hich many on here and other forums chat about, and even argue. If people had an inside vantage point they would get their eyes opened really wide once they understood how the gov works as well as allows things to happen or pass in order to get what it wants. There is more truth in that than many realize even thosde who are so called "experts on 911" but really are no more than internet 911 heros because of their opinions one way or the other. 911 paid a lot of benefits to governments around the world in regards to laws they passed under the guise of "protecting their citizens" and law enforcement & intelligence agencys now have more authority to do things that prior to 911, would have never been authorized.

Having worked in law enforcement at both the "road level" and later on in executive levels, there is nothing that drives exec law enforcement more than gaining the power to do what they want, when they want and how they wish to accomplish it without having to justify anything. Thats one reason I retired when I did because of this prevailing attitude. 911 has enabled a lot of things that many people simply know nothing of until they are victimized by them.

By all accounts "they" got by with 911. Until the next event.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:21 PM

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:27 PM

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

So instead of answering the question posed by the OP you ranted at another poster.

The OP stated:

"I´d like your thoughts trolls, no crap...just thoughts ..thanks."

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:51 PM


posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:54 PM
Well the truth always hurts the worst, but is the only way to heal a ignorant population. Question? Would anyone believe Obama if he actually stated the Above?

In the end every man has to make up his own mind and it doesn't really matter where the information is coming from. You believe what you want to.

Would America heal?
It would change, period.....

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:56 PM
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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:57 PM
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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by kbriggss
Well the truth always hurts the worst, but is the only way to heal a ignorant population. Question? Would anyone believe Obama if he actually stated the Above?

Yes. I would...if he stated that he started a new investigation, and released the names of the investigators, that they were a independent party whom published the results and it answered the hanging questions...then why wouldn't I believe?

The reason people dont really believe Bush is not what Bush has come up with...its the investigation teams clear bias and lack of science...the non peer reviewed NIST study that leaves soo much out, etc...Bush didn't personally investigate the 9/11, he just started the realistically, Bush could be a truther also if he so cared to become curious...

Now, if it was Obama whom said he personally did the research and found out it was all a scam...then no, I wouldn't believe him because he is not the word of God.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:01 PM
I guarantee you that if the true story were revealed, Fox News and the 28% of the people here that are brain dead...the Bush lovers and those who still think that Cheney is a man with a soul..these people would get on Tv and say that ' it was necessary to wake up the people to the threat of the Muslim hordes..' or some such nonsense...and a certain % of the people would agree.

Of course it would cause an uproar..politicians would be tossed out and new ones put in to cover up their pals...there would be some minor level prosecutions...the Mossad operatives would stay safe in Israel... the Israeli's' would deny it all as ususal and not care who believes them..and the nation would STILL be full of sheeple who depend on their jobs and have mortgages to deal with...they would shuffle it all away so sports season would not be ruined with all the hearings...the American people have become so dumbed down and so complacent, that it would not suprise me one bit if it were all sewpt away.

Bush and Cheney would disappear to their luxurious hideaways....after some politicians granted them immunity...and 10 years from now the police state would still be gaining and the people suffering uhder the yoke of the oppressing would be but another ripple in history..but the trend toward what the bigshots planned long ago will still march on.

I think it is too late for America, no matter what truths are revealed. Sad.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by expat2368
reply to post by SaturnFX

So instead of answering the question posed by the OP you ranted at another poster.

Will try to say this again...I answered on page 1.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:40 PM
When i wrote the thread...i knew the slagging match would start sooner or later, thats why i said - no trolling, no crap, just thoughts....thanks.

For once it would be nice to put aside "im a truther" and "im with the OS".

I asked Americans for a reply, not truthers, not debunkers, Americans.

For one damn thread can we put aside what we think about 9/11 and think about America.

Im not American, Im British, but the worlds a small place, what happens there will effect us all, as John Donn said "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for the".

Feel free to answer anyone on ATS whos not American, of course.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:18 PM
If Obama was to proceed with another commission, it could only be in the light of new information, and new evidence. A daunting task nine years on. It's possible that massive public opinion could force the issue, but in that case, there would already be a suspicious public, so any damning result should not be that much of a surprise.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by andy1972

first of all, Obama is not gonna re-open 9/11.
If he did, he would wind up like JFK. Assassinated
by the CIA!!!!

But yes I do think America could recover. However
there are some changes that would have to be made
in addition to prosecution of the guilty.

Abolish the CIA
Abolish the Fed Reserve
Abolish the Patriot Act
Instill oversight to congress for ALL banks
Instill congressional term limits
Make ALL fed and mil employees accountable
Label the Bilderburg Group a terrorist entity
and prosecute it's membership as such.
Abolish it's harmful foreign policy with Israel
Abolish Bush's pardon for war crimes
Abolish overseas Military Black Ops
Abandon overseas military bases in countries
that do not want us there.
Adopt a foreign policy that will not interfere
with foreign sovereign governments.
just to name a few

America is sick. We have a brain tumor and the only
way to recover is to operate transparently and remove it.
It may not restore all America's honor. But it's a damn
good start. And over time, we can heal

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by andy1972

In my opinion,the questions you pose are valid.,but,from everything that I have read and entertained,the problem goes much deeper than just the U.S. government.For starters, the President of the United States is not the top of the pyramid.He has bosses,the same as anyone else who is employed.Contrary to popular belief,he is not the final word in matters both foreign and domestic.He answers to those above him,the real powers that be.And this is not solely an American problem.The tentacles of TPTB reach far and wide.,amongst numerous nations,worldwide.So,this is not simply a problem that we as Americans can fix.The enormity of it is mindboggling to say the least.The President would never make such a statement to start with.He would not go against the orders that are dictated to him from above.That is simply not going to happen.But hypothetically,let's entertain your scenario.The President does such a thing.Not only the people of the U.S. are outraged,but indeed,most of the planet.Now,back to the U.S. There would be rioting in the streets to kick things off.The common man would have no other venue to express his outrage.After all, he certainly would not entertain the notion of 'voting'the bastards out.,not at this point in the game.If this were back in the '50s sure, there would be lynchings.But that is not possible or probable in this day and age.The low-level law enforcement would be your first barrier to an all-out insurrection.The National Guard would would be their 'backup'.,protecting local and state officials,while the military would be protecting those in the federal sector.Martial law would be enacted,thereby allowing for FEMA to step in.Curfews would be put in place.Those in defiance of curfews or any of the myriad of new 'rules'would be arrested,confined or even shot.The FEMA detention centers would be activated and we would be under the rule of a totalitarian state.There would be total anarchy,which would be put down with 'rules of engagement' tactics.There would be those who refuse to adhere,who stand alone in isolated pockets of resistance.If they couldn't be neutralised then we would have Ruby Ridge everywhere.Alot of lives would be lost,but in the end,they are bigger than us.,their guns/artillery/tanks etc.,would outrank us.Unless...there are those in military who refuse to participate in their war crimes and...

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by andy1972

what I worry about is that if the truth ever were to come to light, our country would be in such a state of dissaray and confusion, that we would be very vulnerable to attack. Our government would be in shambles and our military would be pre-occupied trying to arrest those responsible. (that is if in fact the government was found to be involved with the attacks)

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:21 AM
I still believe the events of 9/11 had more than one purpose. One of the major reasons, often overlooked by conspiracy theorists, behind the events on that fateful day had to do with destabilising and eventually destroying the very country that was attacked.

Compare the USA in 2000 with the USA in 2010. Notice any extraordinary changes in the last decade? How many of those changes are related directly to the events of 9/11. IMO the vast majority.

[edit on 15/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:47 AM
Back in the 1970's Congress passed a law that said anyone born in the Americas was entitled to refer to themselves as "American", so, despite being Canadian, I am posting in this thread with congressional approval.

The thread's title is right on. Be careful what you wish for. I think that 9/11 was an inside job and that it needs to be exposed and the perps punished, but I think that politics being what it is, any attempt to do so will be composed of half measures and the liberal use of scapegoats.

9/11 is a can of worms that leads everywhere in the American power structure. I think it is the most defining moment of the emergence of the United States as a corporatist or fascist country. The destruction of the World Trade Center and the invasions which followed it are classic examples of the type of political plays made by Hitler. America's coporate citizens like the insurance industry and other household names in the media and other industries have excelled at being "good Germans" and going along to get along.

I think real justice, if done here on earth would have catastrophic results for the country. Better to go slow, know your enemy and take back the government. Then when America is operating according to the vision of it's founding fathers as outlined in the constitution and has regained it's strength, justice can be meted out to whoever is still around among the perps.

[edit:] I just wanted to throw this in for students of government. The resolution on who can call themselves "American" was actually passed in the late sixties. I was at university at the time. It would have been somewhere between '67-'71, but I'm pretty sure in the '60s.

Most politically aware students that I knew at the time, guffawed mightily at the gesture, but I, though wincing a little at congress's presumed ownership of the term, took it as a genteel acknowledgement by America's legislators of the "american" heritage of everyone in the New World.

Three cheers for Americans from pole to pole.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by ipsedixit]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:47 AM
I have always had the opinion that in america the access to information is lacking, because media is so tainted with fear mongering and political interest. Unless of course like most (not all) of you posters who individually seek out truth through alternative media sources.

The majority of any public wether it be canadian, american, british, french, wherever the hell your from has a gold fish memory, especially when it comes to politics.
As soon as people realize they might have forgotten what was happening they turn on a propaganda news channel like Fox and voice an opinion on what the government wants, I mean: NEEDS them to believe.

Let Obama re-open the investigation. Have a bunch of losers re-iterate what any of us already have known or suspected for almost 10 years. People will be up in arms! There will be talk of Revolt! or something like that and then Hawaii will have an earthquake or eruption 5 people will die one building will collapse (possibly a controlled demolition) and they'll call it a catastrophe and everyone will forget that they were lied to once again (but be told its the first time ever)

It makes me absolutely sick at how people just follow the advice of their leaders, and I'm not singling out America by any means. Look at what is happening in Britain with all the MP's being caught stealing money. Canada's just as bad. We have documented racists as advisors and cabinet ministers. One of the Prime Ministers chief advisors is american and by that I mean not a canadian. That offends me as a canadian because that is a huge conflict of interest. We are different countries! I think the US would # a brick if Obama had a High level Canadian or even Mexican advisor telling him how to run the country.

The only likely reason the 9/11 report would ever be opened is when the republicans are back in power and need someone else to blame to push another agenda .. Who knows, maybe Canada because we've got all the water. Someone should start a New thread on that... Whats likely going to be the next "catastrophe"(used extremely loosely) manufactured so the US can push another agenda?


Iran will buy a blueprint from the US on how to build a nuclear bomb.
but why iran? they don't have anything of value... oil is worthless right? i heard they don't like to take exuberant loans and american corporations running their country only to sell their resources to pay the interest.

naw.. that wouldn't make sense.

This is WAY more likely
Probably Venezuela. I heard they kick puppies. Im sure Bill O'reilly could twist that into rape puppies, or maybe ever worse, the Presidents Puppy.

I know were not all lemmings. Just cause you may be an Idiot, doesn't mean you cant think for yourself.

[stay out of my yard and I wont have to tell you to f**k off!]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Like a poster before me and as many of you know I am from Scotland and not from America.

I have though, some points that we might want to consider if we are looking at the truth coming out re 9/11.

There is a bigger picture. One that embroils evil not only in the US, but as far afield as the UK and France. Here in the UK we had our own 9/11 on 7/7. In my opinion they are connected and this shows me that those who carried out 9/11 are spread throughout the world. Its not just an American atrocity, but a part of a larger assault by the perpetrators.

For the US PTB to admit that elements of the government were involved would open a world wide can of worms. Im sure many other people worldwide, in power positions have knowledge about who, why and the what-for regarding 9/11, 7/7, the illegal wars and the change in earth society since those dreadfull days.

IMO we are being force-fed the belief that our governments have the power in our respective countries. This is a lie. They are all puppets with strings being pulled by others.

An interesting point raised earlier in the thread was based on the Israeli connection. IMO there we have the puppet-master.


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