posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:13 PM
People have many different attitudes about survival and go about it with different methods. Some people will want to strike up a new community,
keeping what little they have left from the old world. Others will want big groups of people to scavenge the land, cities and anything else. Smaller
groups of say 10-12 people may cultivate the forest to enrich the out put of edible food in a area. Lastly the individual would be the most
aggressive, yet reclusive of the bunch.
The community- In the event of the end of the world as we know it, this group of people will stay inside a built up area. This group would try to
stick to the ways they are used to to maintain a sense of normal. Unfortunately this group may be seen as having valuable supplies and fall victim to
marauders. As it may happen, vectors for disease such as rodents, fleas, insects. Once medical supplies run out and food becomes scare, health will
falter and this group could be faced with epidemics. However as long as life is good, this group is strong, and should be able to defend against all
but the most dangerous attacks, i.e rouge military.
10-12 people (specialized groups)- These groups would be looking for better ground for seasonal survival. This group would most likely consist of
close friends or hard core survivalist, trained in a variety of skills. Instead of farming this group may find it easier to sporadically plant berry
bushes, banana trees and herbs so that if one area is destroyed others may last. This group may face challenges in security and constant movement.
This group may also be the most likely to become marauders, stealing non organic necessities. The plus side is that with experience this group will
function very smoothly.
The single man- This is either a fool or a very hardy individual. This will be a hunter/gatherer, that may or may not try to find trade with remnants
of cities/towns. As there would not be any law enforcement, this individual would likely find being around unknown people very objectionable. If
injured this person should be able to perform some advanced medical treatment and most minor first aid. This individual should either have a very
secure structure with at least rudimentary alarms. Or this person should sleep in a camo shelter, off the ground and off paths.
This is how I see things going when it is the end of the world as we know it. The first group would be your best bet for raising kids. The group of
10-12 may try to raise a kid, unfortunately it will run into some tough times, more than likely during the first growing season.
All groups will face good and bad times. Proper training and the right mindset will help dramatically.
I imagine after things settle down and people have fallen into a rhythm and populations start to climb again, people will start trying to form
governments. People will probably find groups which represent the government they like. Provided there is no interference from other countries, the
development of fledgling governments could give rise to issues.
This is just something I've been thinking about.