posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:26 PM
*shakes head*
(To answer your question, try wikipedia...I bet it's got a pretty concise answer on what a stunt coordinator needs as far as permits and such go.)
So much wrong with what you've just typed lol. "Loophole for terrorists"? Are you kidding? Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps that's not a
loophole, but a job? Something people do?
Is a cop a "loophole" for terrorists because he gets to walk around with a gun?
Common sense fail.
Now for opinion...I don't know how anyone can tolerate that show, I've seen like 30 seconds and...just wow. Youtube it if you have the stomach...
I'm sure that's a good job though, give it some thought, maybe you could do some good at it.