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conspiracy to control global food production

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:59 PM
this has probably been posted before but ive seen a lot of threads about the norway seed vault lately. so i thought id start a thread about this. i have heard that certain people that control major corporations like monsanto (wasnt someone from monsanto just appointed head of the USA food and drug administration?), are planning to take control of the worlds food production - or already have, fore the most part. control the world's food and you control its people. so this explains why big corporations are going into places like india, an dthe phillipines and driving small farmers and producers (who follow organic methods) out of busines. agribusiness takes over and we get pesticides - deadly ones, preservatives, chemicals, toxic spraying, irradiated food, old food in our supermarkets, frozen, canned and unnutritious food; we get ruined farmlands and soil from the chemicals, death of bees, parkinsons from pesticides, we get wal mart instead of local shops, then we get kfc, factory chickens, mass animal slaughterhouses, unhealthy conditions for factory farmed animals, coke, pepsi, maccas - all the good stuff. And our kids get sick and we all get fat and sick (heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other 'diseases of affluence') and no one can figure out why - poisoning, thats why. With all that comes flouridated and chlorinated water - more poison; and growth hormones in our meat which probably cause cancer or other illnesses etc.
So, if gm seeds are so great, why are those with the money spending a lot of it, in order to pay people to go and collect seeds from all over the world - but NOT the gm varieties - so we - sorry 'they' i presume - have seed reserves in the case of emergency? and they arent putting in just any old seeds either, they are going to look for the earliest and purest varieties of seeds for each plant. if gm seeds are so healthy and great, why not just use these in the seed bank? what do they know that we dont, and what is the emergency they are planning for? I have read that they know that gm seeds will contaminate other varieties and these gm seeds are not that great, and will not work as well, and basically, we'll all starve for one reason or another. so they need to keep the pure and original (uncontaminated ) seeds in the event of this disaster. and probably because they know gm crops arent healthy. or they know that huge agribusiness farms arent sustainable and we wil run out of water for crops etc Also the seed bank is pretty high tec - it is built into a mountain at a certain height above sea level and is hard to get into - security wise. Sounds like norway is preparing for something.
given all the other poisons we are surrounded with, i think there is a conspiracy to poison populations - ever walk into a clothes shop and smell the chemicals on the clothes they use; ever take some product out of its plastic and smell the fumes ? that is not good for you. and everything is covered in this toxic crap we are breathing in and is touching our skin. we are surrounded by poison. its tasty, but its poison. and sugar unfortunately is bad - and targeted at kids.
the most promoted foods on tv - dairy, red meat, sugar products and products with factory chicken and meat, are probably the most dangerous to your health.
is that a coincidence? in oz the government gets guilty and puts on adds telling people to eat more vegies from time to time. followed by a kfc add.
and how come huge numbers of children are starving in africa? when the countries with the MONEY and POWER and ARMIES and RESOURCES have enough food to feed the world? reason? they want the kids in africa to starve. aid is a joke. they could fix the problem tomorrow if they wanted to - your governments. they could ensure no child was starving. instead the pressure is on the individual to change teh world. this is great and noble, but it wont work. people as a whole need to make sure their governments, who have the RESOURCES and ABILITY to allocate food supplies effectively around the world, DO SO. that is the only way starving children will be saved. By all means donate to world vision. but the problem is not going away, because of our GOVERNMENTS. they are FAILING. badly. the IMF, World Bank is making crippling loans to these countries - like haiti - that they cant pay back; then the kids starve; aid is conditional on them buying crap products and seeds from multi nat corps, and importing factory farmed meat etc - so these corrupt organisations get more money and control over the world. it is cynical exploitation. And if they can do it to african kids, you can bet that they dont give a damn about your kids either. or you.

solution? grow a garden, tell everybody, dont drink the town water (get a rainwater tank or a dam), eat organic whenever you can and stay away from the supermarket (and big pharma..)

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:58 PM
This is an extraordinary problem - it is certainly real - and it will need concerted effort to stop.

The globalist bankers want total control - they are buying farming land in Africa and wherever they can find it. Through the IMF they managed to bankrupt many many small farmers in SE asia. They sold them a lie regarding improved techniques which destroyed the land, and caused them to become bankrupt and not be able to repay the IMF - who took their land - filthy scum.

People should grow their own food - buy local food - boycott GM food, and any large corporate distribution centers.

Buy local - grow your own - capture your own water - this is crucial. If they can be bankrupted with their GM foods - then we win.

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