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Are You Down With The King?

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Now I'm confused.

In a previous thread, weren't you advocating anarchy?

And now....a king?

Sounds like you need to do some serious thinking and come to a conclusion before posting these threads.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
I could go for a constitutional monarchy. Sort of like the UK's system but with some political power and day to day governance.

I would also like to see the United States join the British Commonwealth.

I would like to see the British Commonweatlth Join the Untied States.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 04:41 PM
I will not be ruled by anyone that thinks they are above me. I bow to nobody. So no I am not down with the king.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Gamecock
On a more serious note, because i doubt the world, or america, or even the people in this thread will agree to me being king, how do you propose we pick who gets to be king?

I assume we couldnt vote in a king, because you say that "accomplish[es] nothing". Maybe we could have a lottery? You are very firm on removing age restrictions, so of course we would let people of all ages (assuming they are capable of absolute rule) enter the lottery.

Ha... imagine if a 12 year old won that lottery. They would have absolute rule over 6,390 deliverable nukes and over 10k stockpiled nukes. Not to mention, the more scary weapons we dont even know about yet.

So yea, the lottery idea wouldnt work well.

I am baffled. How would we pick a king if it cant be me?

The only way for a common man to become king in my opinion would be like a fight to the death with only personal body parts. Whoever approaches the man standing at the podium at that time will be the challenger. For however many years it takes for one man to stand unchallenged, then and only then shall he become king. But then now who wants to reign over a bunch of sissies who won't even stand-up for themselves, but they will want to eat off your dinner table? Those then become your subjects. And since you're such a bad-ass being an unchallenged king you will soon tire of beating the commoners for entertainment. You'll resign as king before you reach consenting age; If I were king, it'd be thirty years-old. And because I love you; this will hurt me more than you...*grab-smack-kick-stomp-squish-snuff*
Please don't be offended, I'm just playing around.
These events I mentioned above actually occurred as man came from out the cave. All events and scenarios leading up to today have been tried and failed. Because somewhere down the line man forgot he is equal to his peers. Ego is why the world is the way it is today. "Eyes and limbs are a poor man's wealth." That's a quote from one book I read more than once. It's by H. Rider Haggard called Eric Bright Eyes. And I'm not a book reader.

[edit on (3/12/1010 by loveguy]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by kennylee

This is your second thread referring to the age of consent. Wait until you are of legal age like the rest of us did already...

As far as a King goes, go to England if you want a King. Our Constitution has withstood the test of time and will continue to do so, even though it is being trampled upon right now.

The Constitution is what makes America, America. When you grow up you might see this fact........

No the OP actually wouldn't like England too much, The Queen has far less power than he would like haha!

Our royalty is more for custom and national identity than anything else these days, as it should be.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy
The reason the United States exists is a repudiation of monarchy! If America got an absolute ruler, the great experiment would be over, failed. It would be an admission that average people cannot govern themselves and they need a higher ruler. It would be the end of democracy, liberty, freedom. It would be one of the worst decisions in the history of humanity.

That's the problem the US is not goverened by average people, and this is not a democracy its a costitutional republic. Britian is a monarchy, what you are talking about is a dictatorship which has its problems and Benefits. I believe a true democracy can work.

You would need to have strict term limits, the abolishion of lobbying, caps on election spending, very little pay for reps (not a full time job), and anyone who wants to run for office can even if it means 150 names on the ballot.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Though I'm an anarchist, I still am open to ideas on things that might work to my liking.

Anarchist make their own rules, and are not trying to be bound but free.

Even if there were a king I'd still be me, an anarchist. And that's whether or not I like the king.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Tormentations
The U.S. needs a king come to think of it... All this disagreeing in America on what should and shouldnt be doesn't get change accomplished. Feel me? So we need a cool king. A king that will abolish age restiction laws for ability and capability laws. A king that will mandate that each school from kinergarden to college teach what responsibility is. A king that will not have sales tax the way but income tax the way. A king that will make free wifi manditory. A king that will make websites like message boards have full freedom of speech. A king that will mandate that food and water and housing and even prisons are safe. Etc. You see wherre this is going.

"Strut on by like a king."--Godsmack

What say you? Nothing will get accomplished with disagreeing or voting. We need a really cool king.

First and foremost, excellent idea for a thread, second and most important, failure.

Not enough clairty of thought for actual purpose and thoughts, sorry.

An A for effort, but D for over all assignment, which brings this to a C.

America does not need a King, we have enough crap with a President.

Someone who already does not represent us, who listens instead to big money.

Originally posted by Tormentations
A king that will abolish age restiction laws for ability and capability laws.

Age restriction laws for what exactly?

Alcohol and cigarettes?

I disagree, they should be increased, both to 30.

Consensual sex verse statutory rape?

It should be increased to 18 for consensual sex, and no means no, period.

But, having said that, anyone crying rape, who lied, and it can be proved, needs to serve jail time, period, because the word rape has lost meaning.

To the cry wolf syndrome when it is abused.

Capability laws?


Originally posted by Tormentations
A king that will mandate that each school from kinergarden to college teach what responsibility is.

That's what parents are supposed to do, not a King, nor President.

School has enough problems due to stupidity of those in the classrooms.

And parents have failed to raise their children properly, if they steal, use and or sell drugs, bully others, school does not need to teach responsibility.

Parents do, mine did, others did, and others did not.

As far as I'm concerned, school did nothing to teach me responsbility, they failed in that regard, because all I saw was other kids and teenagers get away with crap, and or over-reaction of adults, hyper-stupidity.

I was more responsible than most children and teenagers during school.

What you're describing is miltary school, not public school.

Originally posted by Tormentations
A king that will not have sales tax the way but income tax the way.

Sales tax pays for things and while I disagree with it, it is not because of the taxes itself, it is because of the corruption, within politics, and stealing tax money.

Like our current economic situation where the Federal Reserve and Treasury were robbed.

By those in power, using our tax money, money that's been paid in.

To be used, not stolen, not mishandled, not misappropriated, nor funneled out.

Originally posted by Tormentations
A king that will make free wifi manditory.

Wi-Fi was created with the intent to eventually charge, period.

It was given away as free, like samples of crack, to make you addicted to it.

Buy a Wi-Fi set up and keep yours free and or charge for it.

Or write letters to corporations and ask for free service, a King means more bureaucracy.

We need less bureaucracy, not more of it, and less of it through politician's actually doing their damn jobs, not stealing funds, while seeming to do it.

Originally posted by Tormentations
A king that will make websites like message boards have full freedom of speech.

All I have to say to that one is that you have every right to go make a message board, if you do not like the terms and conditions of this one, personally I believe the terms and conditions of ATS are weak and feable.

Freedom of Speech is not an excuse to use abusive language, idiotic behaviors, nor name calling, Freedom of Speech is about conversations without fear of repression by a tyrannical Government, like King George.

Take your pick if I was referening King George or Dubya, historical or comical.

Both were idiots, in my humble opinion, Obama is quickly catching up.

Originally posted by Tormentations
A king that will mandate that food and water and housing and even prisons are safe. Etc.

I'm not sure whether to keep typing or click reply with a witty parting shot.

I think I will do both.

Politicians are supposed to do their jobs, and secure those things you're referencing, to certain set standards, to protect us over all, as a country.

Unfortunately, they are too busy being re-elected, taking bribes, having sex with interns, making false statements, getting caught propositioning gay sex in the mens room, or just being the status quo.

Politics as usual.

Housing is safe depending on which "housing" you are referring to.

Please expand some of your definitions, more specifically, so I might post more, because so far, this thread, and your thoughts, are vague.

Not to be nasty, that is a statment, not an accusion, from an experienced poster.

Making High-Quality Threads : Ask and I'll Point You In The Right Direction

Be sure and drop by and I'll point you in the right direction.

I guarantee however you will be doing all the work, for yourself not me.

I was told by a self-proclaimed psychic I was Leonidas in a past life.

My ATS name is about past, present, and future, so as for a King?

Been there, done that, not again.

So, in closing, I'm going to leave you with a bit of humor.

This is because I found your thread, amusing, so amusement is reciprocated.

Pinky and The Brain Intro

Bye bye, Pinky.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by loveguy

It's a great idea, but we'd end up with a Mike Tyson king... I sure as hell wouldnt want that. But then again, i sure as hell wouldnt challenge him.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:25 PM
I think the answer to all our problems is to change our system to a Autonomous Collective. Such as is seen here))

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

This is your second thread about age restriction? I am going to assume you are young. Go and read the constitution and also read what the founding fathers had in mind. By the time you are finished you will be old enough.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:14 PM
It's been done and if it diden't work in the past when things were simpler why would it work now when things are not simple . We dont need a king, any idea how much work would go in to being a king today, with all the problems in the world it is an impossibility for any human to cope with all that, the kings and other royalist family's in other countries are mostly for show. Whoever says they can fix all the worlds problems, has no clue what he is facing when he takes on the world, at best you can only fix some problems in the world.

We dont need the Pharaohs they are useless in today's age, what we need is the pyramids, and what they represent, a goal that is diffined by all walks of live a structure that can be achieved by all that diffine it. basically a stable government that is going somewere insted of talking abouth going somewere. It would be easy if a king would work but unfortunately it doesn't.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI
That's the problem the US is not goverened by average people, and this is not a democracy its a costitutional republic. Britian is a monarchy, what you are talking about is a dictatorship which has its problems and Benefits. I believe a true democracy can work.

You would need to have strict term limits, the abolishion of lobbying, caps on election spending, very little pay for reps (not a full time job), and anyone who wants to run for office can even if it means 150 names on the ballot.

Now those are reforms I can get behind in any country! What it basically comes down to is removing the monetary benefits from government. I've been a fan of ideas like this for a long time. Also what if we banned political advertising in the media and instead had a series of say 10 debates, once a week, leading up to an election?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by kennylee

This is your second thread referring to the age of consent. Wait until you are of legal age like the rest of us did already...

As far as a King goes, go to England if you want a King. Our Constitution has withstood the test of time and will continue to do so, even though it is being trampled upon right now.

The Constitution is what makes America, America. When you grow up you might see this fact........

America has a fork in it: it's done.

King George, based on his word, used to imprison, torture and kill innocent people he didn't like. The constitution was supposed to protect the people from this type of unchallenged abuse.

Yet in 2010 kings bushbama, based on their word, torture & imprison people they don't like at GITMO, and used remote control airplanes to extra judiciously kill those convicted of nothing.

The constitution is a dead, the DNC & GOP killed it... they appreciate all your votes BTW..

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