This story is pretty interesting. I like penguins anyway. Apparently this type of variation is very rare. Just goes to show what we don't really know
about our earth. All black penguin
Wow that was neat! Seems like a reverse albino Looking at the other penguin in the pic you could compare a normal guy and the midnight colored
guy. The black one even has a little bit of yellow on his neck like the normal colored one does.
Yeah he would actually probably be a good survivor while in the water. Although most Great Whites attack from a lower position, so his camoflage
wouldn't mean too much.
His black plumage would also probably absorb more sunlight, making him warmer. If it's not a harmful adaptation, he'll pass it on to his chicks,
and maybe more and more penguins will be black.
All we have to do is get the albino penguin (we know they are out there) to stand next to this one and viola, you got yourself one HELL of a race
relations photo op!!!!