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UN funds Gunderson Rail Car Co. to produce 400+ FEMA prison cars.

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:50 PM
This topic has been thoroughly addressed, debunked, readdressed, and re-debunked on ATS. However, the topic recently seems to be gaining momentum as military personnel continue to bring forth information rumored to be from inside sources.

The more our economy continues to plunge combined with building pressure from Iran, N. Korea, etc. is leading to very real civil unrest which quite possible may be paving the road to Martial Law. If (and this is a big if) the current evens are in fact leading up to Martial Law, this FEMA Concentration Camp theory may hold a bit more weight than once believed.

Let's assume following quotes are true, let's take it a step further and assume that the reason behind having these cars is to transport terrorists to be secured in prisons for our own protection.

Would it not make perfect sense? I cannot think of a better way.. I'm not saying that any of the is definitive proof, but it never hurts to take a fresh look. Vital pieces of history have been banned from being taught in schools, the possibility of these bits of history repeating themselves is a good reason for TPTB to keep it out of our schools.

If anyone has more to contribute or can debunk parts or all of this thread, please post away.

Speaking on anonymity, an employee of a manufacturer of railcars stated that Gunderson Rail Car Co. received a contract to build over 400 boxcars. These boxcars were ordered and paid for by the UN. They were white and they had shackles built into them. Shackles possibly for a brother, a sister, a mother, or you. Another company was making the boxcars as well. A company called Thrall Railcar.


US Marine drill sergeant boasts of what they will do to civilians under Martial Law in the USA/Montana


These cars can hold dozens of prisoners and have, on numerous occasions, been shown to have 135 human shackles in each car. These would be the cars that FEMA would transfer such terrorists/dissidents to their forced labor, internment, or concentration camps.[C I L F=civilian inmate labor facility] A terrorist who may have only been a peaceful protester at the Republican National Convention. Or perhaps an individual who had an interest in the wrong book at the library. (A reference to the post 9/11 "What if America, Wasn't America?" line of commercials.)


To contradict myself, none of these alleged prison cars have ever been photographed. The only "photos" I have seen have been auto-max cars obviously used to transport automobiles.

For example:

I'm sure there are many others as well as several ATS threads posting auto cars, has anyone ever seen a train car or photo of a train car that suggests it to be anything other than used for hauling autos, or occasionally moo-cows?


[edit on 9-3-2010 by NewWorldDisorder]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldDisorder

Is that the best you can do? A six year old source, and in all those 6 years there is zero evidence of any train fitted with shackles!


That site goes on about the debunked FEMA sites, the page is also 8 years old....

So nothing of value, just the same old debunked garbage

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:00 AM
Mass removal by railroad car has already been done in the U.S.

The Dakota at Fort Snelling suffered through a dismal winter in which a large number died. In May 4, 1863 the deportation of more than 1,300 Dakota began. Some 770 and a military escort of 40 men boarded the steamer Davenport, just 35 wide and 205 long for the trip downriver to St. Louis. At St. Louis, the Indians transferred to another vessel and started their trip up the Missouri River. On May 5, 547 Dakota boarded a steamer at Fort Snelling to begin their journey. They were taken off the boat at Hannibal, Missouri and loaded into railroad freight cars, sixty to a car, and taken to St. Joseph on the Missouri River. There they met the earlier departing Fort Snelling group, joining them on their already crowded steamer. A large number of the more than 1,300 Indians became ill by drinking poor water and eating musty hardtack and briny pork. They were taken to Crow Creek in today's southeastern South Dakota, and assigned the area as a reservation. The site, plagued by drought, soon became the burial site of a number of new residents.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by dereks

Short of the last link I haven't seen these discussed on ATS. Also something else to ponder, take it for what it is:

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:10 AM
Why would they waste money on specially designed cars, with individual shackles? It makes no sense.

All you need is one lock, on the door. That's it. Once they've packed everyone in a gunpoint, they lock the doors. It's not like they're going anywhere. They aren't going to take the time or effort to shackle each person. The Germans didn't do that and they were exceedingly efficient at it.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by minute2midnight
Why would they waste money on specially designed cars, with individual shackles? It makes no sense.

All you need is one lock, on the door. That's it. Once they've packed everyone in a gunpoint, they lock the doors. It's not like they're going anywhere. They aren't going to take the time or effort to shackle each person. The Germans didn't do that and they were exceedingly efficient at it.

You're right about the locking the doors and anyway, where's the best place to park all of the cattle cars for use in the US? Canada of course! I just spotted 2 sets of about 100 boxcars each parked on the north shore of Lake Superior about 3 hours from the US border (boxcars are near Gravel, Ontario). Oh, and I have actually seen them, but not inside them. There are more, you just have to follow the tracks.

However, presuming you can pack 200 people in each, that's still only 40,000 people and the rumor mill is talking millions, so everybody take a piece of Google Earth and search within 3 hours of the US/Can border ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by NewWorldDisorder
. Also something else to ponder, take it for what it is:

In relation to the link.....words do not always mean what you think they do. I found something that appears to have a "doublespeak" message.

"Protecting underwater assets...."

The ancient method of obtaining gold was to place the sheepskins under water in a moving stream to capture the fine particles of gold.

You see, the flock is still being fleeced. Those are the "underwater assets" that need to be "protected" from 'terrorists' that might have alarm clocks to wake them up.

(Maybe this is the aspect that puts us under Maritime law as well!)

[edit on 10-3-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by drew hempel

Mass removal by railroad car has already been done in the U.S.

The Dakota at Fort Snelling suffered through a dismal winter in which a large number died. In May 4, 1863 the deportation of more than 1,300 Dakota began. Some 770 and a military escort of 40 men boarded the steamer Davenport, just 35 wide and 205 long for the trip downriver to St. Louis. At St. Louis, the Indians transferred to another vessel and started their trip up the Missouri River. On May 5, 547 Dakota boarded a steamer at Fort Snelling to begin their journey. They were taken off the boat at Hannibal, Missouri and loaded into railroad freight cars, sixty to a car, and taken to St. Joseph on the Missouri River. There they met the earlier departing Fort Snelling group, joining them on their already crowded steamer. A large number of the more than 1,300 Indians became ill by drinking poor water and eating musty hardtack and briny pork. They were taken to Crow Creek in today's southeastern South Dakota, and assigned the area as a reservation. The site, plagued by drought, soon became the burial site of a number of new residents.

Good one Drew. I wanted to add that Geronimo and his people took a little choo-choo ride to many of their deaths in Florida as well.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 05:38 PM
If you were going to load people into trains in a mass way as 'prisoners' why would you build 400+ new pieces of very expensive rolling stock when you could simply use the thousands of dormant Intermodal Containers? One door, no windows and no need of shackles.

Not that I think this is going to happen but simplicity typically is the method most used.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by AugustusMasonicus]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

If you were going to load people into trains as in a mass way as 'prisoners' why would you build 400+ new pieces of very expensive rolling stock when you could simply use the thousands of dormant Intermodal Containers? One door, no windows and no need of shackles.

Not that I think this is going to happen but simplicity typically is the method most used.

Possibly because they are prisoners they care about? As in they want total control but don't want them seriously dead or injured? There is a purpose other than death for those being taken away?

I mean I am sure there will be plenty of people left in worse conditions when and if this type of thing happens..but you can bet whoever is taken in one of these is taken for a reason.

They aren't going to transport people to kill them..isn't that obvious? According to your logic why would they? That would be the entire cost for NOTHING? They gain nothing from that. They will just let the rest of us kill each other and that will be free, while the people getting special attention will serve purpose...

Just a theory...

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses
They aren't going to transport people to kill them..isn't that obvious?

So what is the point of hauling people off to these locations? Are they just going for an extended stay at Club-Fema? Why are they are going to supposedly shackle people in Automax cars and then happily de-train them at some distant location?

The whole 'Fema train' scare seems to revolve around taking citizens to concentration camps replete with 'window-less' buildings surrounded by 'inward-facing' barbed wire and stacks of 'Fema coffins'.

I have read so many threads about this supposed threat and none of them mention considerate handling of the 'merchandise'. These alleged Fema train trips never seem to have a pleasant ending.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by minute2midnight
Why would they waste money on specially designed cars, with individual shackles? *SNIP*
The Germans didn't do that and they were exceedingly efficient at it.

Not saying I believe any of this, particularly since the only sources I've seen discussing it always get traced back somehow to either Rense or Alex Jones (both of whom have Sorcha Faal levels of credibillity, IMO). But think about your argument for a moment...
The Federal Government and "efficient"... Efficiency and any government agency of the United States.

If they (the feds) were to ever utilize railroad cars to transport masses of citizens to US concentration camps, I could easily see the cars having features that would be less than efficient. Hell, you're talking about a group of people who spend the extra money to carefully autoclave/sterilize the needles and equipment used to conduct lethal injection executions in capital crime death sentence cases. Think about that for a moment... why would a person who will be dead within minutes care if he was just jabbed with an infected needle?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Wait so you're saying that in an economic downturn you saw railroad cars parked on a siding not being used? Wow.

Seriously that's actually standard railroad practice, in when there isn't much to ship, you park the cars your not using out of the way. Think about all of those grain cars that have the big Canada logo on them. Those are owned by the Canadian government, and in times they are not needed you can see strings of them, hundreds at a time, parked off to the side on the plains.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Wait so you're saying that in an economic downturn you saw railroad cars parked on a siding not being used? Wow.

Seriously that's actually standard railroad practice, in when there isn't much to ship, you park the cars your not using out of the way. Think about all of those grain cars that have the big Canada logo on them. Those are owned by the Canadian government, and in times they are not needed you can see strings of them, hundreds at a time, parked off to the side on the plains.

Ooooh aren't we witty, just learned sarcasm? I do realize there is an economic downturn. North of Lake Superior is not in the grain belt, actually it's about 800 miles or more from it. Also, the box cars do not have logos on the sides that I could see and I saw a lot of boxcars there while I was traveling last summer.

If the boxcars were located in middle Manitoba to Saskatchewan, I might agree with you somewhat, parked for food crop posterity. However, they are not. In addition, the boxcars were there during the late spring and the early fall, fall being the traditional harvest time when food crops are shipped by train. Also, the farmers are still producing massive amounts of food during the downturn for both domestic and international use.

Just because the economy drops somewhat does not mean that people stop eating food, maybe less, but not by much so that kind of makes your theory blow somewhat.

A little critical thinking goes a long way, try it ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:26 PM
I've seen this same subject brought up here at least 3 times. In every case when the pictures are shown they are not prison vehicles but auto-transport containers being used now because of insurance reasons. Massive damage has been done to transported vehicles on their way to dealerships and the insurance cost as well as productive costs has caused insurance companies to demand covered carriers. These are also used on the East coast for all the Snowbird's cars that are ferried up and down the coast to prevent damage. Like others have said. Shipping containers as well as the usual freight cars would be used if needed!


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