posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:11 AM
No offense, but that is funny queer, not funny ha ha.
OK. Yeah, that was funny.
It's queer because that's how our money is being utilized to "protect" us.
I'm gonna wake up tomorrow, and pay special attention to my corn flakes so as nobody can pee in them.
Then, I'm going to go to work and pretend I am appreciated for all my hard work. Note to self, avoid the post office. And better yet, just have some
good old fashioned oatmeal for breakfast.
Guns don't kill people. People in congress kill people. Vice presidents shoot their best hunting buddy's, and so on and so forth.
Abortion stops a beating heart, so do executions.
Now I'm cracking-up. Calgon, take me away!
Serenity now! I'm going to watch that video again now that I got that all out. Thanks.