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Texas on 911

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Well This might not go here but I have to post it.

A friend of mine is starting to think about a lot more running a write in campaign for governor of Texas.

The reason I am posting it here is this.

We got to talking about 9/11 and he stated this after about twenty minutes.

This I will promise unofficially right now. Should I become governor I would quietly order a select group of Texas Rangers to investigate all the claims. If they are proven then find the guilty culprits. I would then have the Rangers drag them to Texas. I believe the state has the power due to several facts. First the cover up was broadcast over state lines into Texas as was the subsequent propaganda. Some of the members are from Texas and have residences here in Texas..

He was not kidding.. Could you imagine that. Texas trying guilty persons for treason against the union which Texas is a part...

Then I got to thinking. It could be used as a huge states rights issue due to the fact that the citizens of the state do pay Taxes as does the legal entity of Texas. Some of there money could have been used.

It brought up an interesting point. What would happen if this how the tea party fought back?

What would the trial entail?

What would happen if they got convicted of local charges?

My main thing is how would this play out?

I am just curious on your thoughts

[edit on 9-3-2010 by ripcontrol]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:06 PM
My friend is a great orator and a few times I took notes.

Last night we talked some more before he went to his girlfriends house.

He outlined two little thing and stated them so beautifully Im not sure I can do my best to get it right.

To start this he covered his understanding of how it would apply

Jury nullification

Jury nullification occurs when a jury in a criminal case acquits a defendant despite the weight of evidence against him or her. [1] Widely, it is any rendering of a verdict by a trial jury which acquits a criminal defendant despite that defendant's violation of the letter of the law—that is, of an official rule, and especially a legislative enactment. Jury nullification need not disagree with the instructions by the judge—which concerns what the law (common or otherwise) is—but it may rule contrary to an instruction that the jury is required to apply the "law" to the defendant in light of the establishment of certain facts. Strictly speaking, a jury verdict which rules contrary to the letter of the law pertains only to the particular case before it; however, if a pattern of identical verdicts develops in response to repeated attempts to prosecute a statutory offense, it can have the de facto effect of invalidating the statute. Jury nullification is thus a means for the public to express opposition to an unwanted legislative enactment.

He would instruct the prosecutor personally to open with it in his opening statements. Inform the jury they have the right to override the federal statues and to issue a temporary ruling they agree they have the right to here the case and grant an order of halting any transfers.

He pointed out that their may be no precedence for it but a jury can demand that eveidence be represent and presrved for their viewing.

@SKL he wants to know what you come up with btw...

X amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

No where does it state that federal agents can not be tried for crimes committed while in federal service in the constitution.

He then goes on to state Texas has the right to arrest them and drag them to Texas for the reasons:

1)there was at least one Texan killed on one of the planes

2)If it was a false flag operation, then they are responsible for the death via conspiracy of Texans in the military who have died in service. (yes he is quite knowledgeable about a lot of little things those among them)

3)The fact that a conspiracy was present and maintained over federal airways does not release the perpetrators of state liabilities.

He made me sit down for the next part.

Assume for a second that they are tried in the state of Texas. Under Jury Nullification the jury overrides the FISA warrants. Under national security the judge can order all conversation taped and if the jury decides to release it. Be reasonable it might go down that way. He told because I said it had to be all public. "I have to ask his. Of all the possibilities I have heard, none have mentioned this. "

Pausing he then dropped a bombshell.

What if the jury came back with not guilty verdicts?

I had to pause as what he was hinting at set in.

Now this jury is protected from all outside influence. What type of information could be presented to this jury that would exonerate the defendants. He went on, now this is all speculation. What type of threat could be present that would justify all the death? Where the collateral damage is unfortunately unimportant due to the nature of the threat. What if they trapped something and blew it up? What if the unknown enemy is real?

He let the realization sink in more.

Now we branch off from here to another part. Its about find additional corollary evidence. What type of military men do this work? Explosive technicians- My understanding is that a style of behavior for this work is recognizable by the experts. Example, when bobs blows something up he always X Are you pondering this new thread of thought. I have for awhile.

It took me a few minutes as the wheels turned in my head. Like a light out of the sky.

"Their brothers in special forces would have quietly noted and promised to ask a few question first chance they got."

Exactly, no matter what anyone says to the contrary. Special forces will take out crooked members of their own. Think have you heard of any suspicious deaths of military officers since 911. If I was a member of the truther movement I would look for them.

"You think they would be in danger if this was shared?"

Nope, in fact unless I miss my guess they are ready to take out the power players behind it. If they get stupid and decide go looking for them they will be walking into a trap. My guess is the last few were messy for a reason. So that they would come looking. A very old hunting technique.

Ask you friends on that website if they know of any military deaths similar to this. Or say someone of the upper ranks say dying at home when he was out in the field. Its how I would hide it.

He left at that comment and I sat thinking. Texas prosecuting the people behind 911.

Could something even more evil then I had considered have been going on?

What evidence was not covered up quick enough. Would others in the military recognize a style?

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