I understand why there is interest in the subject of plasma. However, it is matter, super-heated matter that emits close to 500 percent more electron
dispersal than what it begins with. For some reason this excites people into thinking that it is unique enough to be considered a unifying condition
to keep time and space operating. As I have said often enough, you are missing the find of the ages by focusing on an effect and not a cause that IS
the unifying element for space maintenance and expansion.
There is an energy cycle in space which revitalizes space. It is extremely complicated in its effects, but very simple in its cause. While I am not
a physicist, I do understand something of the basic principles that have to be grasped if any one truly wishes to understand how the universe operates
as a totality. As with any full explanation about the workings of such an immense mechanism the universe really is, it requires removing the blinders
of habit which over emphasizes mere phases of energy transformation and thereby assigning them as a cause which they are NOT. Energy manipulation and
energy origins are two different categories of investigation, but BOTH explanations have to be taken up as to how they work together to become what
you see. That requires seeing with two eyes, and not one eye focused on electronic matter.
Science has yet to understand that energy has a life before it enters space. That is bound to be controversial, but I can not help that as it is the
truth of what we are dealing with. In my earlier posts I provide a brief discussion about those pre-space conditions that develop raw energy. How
can something be outside of space? There is an answer, and the answer is, “yes, there is a physical mechanism existing unknown at one end of the
periphery of space that controls gravity and emits energy throughout space. I indicate its presence and color code it to show its conditional
controls. I have used symbols and not a literal shape. Such an explanation showing a universe mechanism is fundamental to any understanding about
universe origins and how those origins are conditioned by pre-spatial forces through the gravity mechanism which supersedes linear gravity as a
controlling force.
Rather than write a narrative about the basic conditions of pre-spatial forces, I will present a highly simplified diagram for examination by showing
a horizontal cross section of actual space with its pre-spatial envelope. For your information, I discuss in an earlier post how space viewed in a
horizontal cross section appears to be an elongated pyramid that is lying on its side. It would be helpful to review the earlier narratives to gather
some detail about what I am about to show you.
(FYI: We live in and observe within the first quarter of space represented on the right side of the diagram)
I wish all of this would be a matter of accepted fact. And that it would already be part of the reader’s understanding about how this thing we call
a universe is designed. That would make the role of teacher a much simpler task and all I would have to do is fill in details. But what is being
shown to you here, and it is not a universe secret but it is unknown here, is about a 100 years too soon to be consciously creditable. But give it a
try. It is with due recognition of what I demonstrate to you is very new, and with respect for the fact that there is no way for you to accept
anything I tell you because there is no antecedent knowledge to build upon, I will just say: “Here it is and maybe this will be enough to jog
memories when the material is once again passed before the reader in a coming review about universe construction.”
A plasma is a super-heated condition of matter that converts emergent energy coming in from its pre-spatial womb to the particle electron -
electricity. Anything that raises the temperature to the limits of a thermal disruption of a sun, is sufficient to convert pre-matter into particles,
and a plasma in particular will create electrons and shattered electrons in abundance. That abundance represents more electrons than it started with.
Where do the additional electrons come from?
Emergent energy is made up of radiation bodies which spin and those which have a particular rate of spin at a particular declination from the
perpendicular are attracted to each other and clump in plasma-like temperatures. Clumps of 100 form an electron.
Black holes convert them backwards because of the near absolute zero conditions around these massive constructions.
It is a curious fact that it takes 100 of these entities to form an electron, and the heat of a plasma drives these radiation entities into groups
totaling 100 each per electron. The electrons then are ejected and represent a very powerful field of electronic energy quite usable for earth’s
mechanical inventions. But would it not really be so much easier to gather these little entities in a box on earth and make them convert right into
the machine without having to create a plasma? It is doable.