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Sebelius Extends Declaration of Pandemic Two More Years to 2012

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Here we go again. The gov'ment has just extended the non-existent pandemic celaration to March 2012. You think she might know something the rest of us don't? ng=en

Eileen Danneman has uncovered document showing that the US Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius has extended the pandemic emergency to 2012 on March 5th, 2010, with little or no attention from the media.

"SEBELIUS: HHS document EXTENDING THE PANDEMIC to 2012 (Federal Register March 5, 2010)

Therefore, pursuant to section 319F-3(b) of the Act, I have

determined there is a credible risk that the spread of pandemic

influenza A viruses and those with pandemic potential and resulting

disease does or could constitute a public health emergency.

Well now that the trail run is over and public participation in a vaccine program has been quanitized and al the infrastructure has been set into place.

Get ready for the real thing.

In section III, first paragraph, delete in its entirety and replace

with: ``The effective period of time of this Declaration commenced as

described in the September 28, 2009 Republished Declaration, and

extends through February 28, 2012.

In section III, second paragraph, delete ``; except that with

respect to 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine, the effective period commences

on June 15, 2009 and extends through March 31, 2013'' and replace with

``through February 28, 2012.''

Of course it also give vaccine manufacturers complete amnesty against legal suits on the quality or side-effects of the vaccines.

Section 319F-3(a)(4)(A) confers immunity to manufacturers and

distributors of the Covered Countermeasure, regardless of the defined

population.... and amended on September 28, 2009 to

provide targeted liability protections for pandemic countermeasures to

enhance distribution

I'm sorry everyone, but I think they might release the h1n1/h5n1 mutated strand that is going to kill about a 100 million in the US and 2 bil worldwide.

I'm using the Discovery channel's After Armageddon, as the source because it's some great predictive programming.

Also somehow the Obamacare bill has something to do with this up-coming pandemic by the way the criminals in DC are viciously acting trying to get it passed. (Rahm)

Don't forget about Science Czar Holdren intentions or the forced vaccinations, mass graves, fema coffins, etc. etc.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:45 PM
Here's another article put out by stating the H1N1 pandemic flu strain will be added to the seasonal flu.

H1N1 protection added to next season's flu shots
A CDC advisory panel recommends nearly everyone in the U.S. receive the new enhanced vaccine.

But will they be forced?.... Is this what Obamacare is for?...

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:57 PM
This sounds bad. With everything else seemingly being put into place this only looks more suspicious in my eyes. I hope that we can all get safely through the next couple of years but is looking more unlikely each day that passes.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:03 PM
This whole story has flummoxed me. Are they really going to release something designed to kill off mass populations? OR is it just a fear campaign, get us all afraid of something(and give our money to Big Pharma in the process) making us look the other way for what is really going on?

All that talk and nothing happened. So now they have to extend the time frame? Oops, sorry, we were wrong, it's not now but later? How the hell do these fools even know their own rear end from a dozen holes in the ground?

Something fishy, I'm sure. What the outcome is I am unsure of.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I was going to raise a BS flag on this but here is the original document in it's entirety:

Federal Register March 5, 2010

Just do a search on the page for 'spread of pandemic".

Something else that has me concerned over the H1N1 virus is the fact it seems to be able to survive the warm months. This alone is what has stopped the 'normal' flu from becoming a year round illness.

How come this has not been adressed by anyone else? Can it still survive all year round? If so, we could be screwed. Vaccine or not. Especially given the ability of a virus to mutate.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by ratcals]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by TheLoony

Man I hear ya. 15,000 people died from the swine flu and now 2 years in a row of a weak seasonal flu.

It just seems things are way out of balance and we all know what happens when things get out of balance.

It's the sneakiness of this bill being passed makes things suspect for me.

Because if it's for pharma profit, where's the hype?... maybe in time there will be.

Also I think it's going to be a barrage of excrement, wars or rumors of wars, then a the global monetary and economic collapse, already people are scared, confused, then release the lethal strain inducing total martial law. yada yada yada. Global Bank and Gov'ment to save us.

I guess what really freaks me out is that private contrators like dyn corp who owns some of the patents to these viruses and we'll have a Jericho like situation with dyn corp in collusion with pentagon and the big banks picking up the peices of the US and turning us into a china-like corporate state.’s-in-a-swine-flu-vaccine/

[edit on 9-3-2010 by wylee]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by ratcals

You're welcome to call bs man. I hope it is. Thanks for that link.

I'll get a better answer for you, but I know it has something to due with the temp the virus reproduces in. Originally it was reproducing in the nose, then it mutated to reproduce deep in the lungs, the D225G or D225N recombination had something to do with this I believe.

I'll find a real source for that.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by wylee

Good post Wylee! I agree, this is far from over, this is a well planned depopulation program. The vaccine will be the true killer.

It's concerning that The Flu Case vanished for a while today, possibly it was beta test attack to ensure they can take it down when they need to.

It looks like this could happen any point from now up until 2012. We will be told Swine Flu has combined with Bird Flu, over 90% of the Western World will be vaccinated. Whether the vaccine is to really to sterilize or worse, we shall see!

Thanks for the tip on the Discovery Channel documentary, I'll check it out. In the UK the BBC have been showing Survivors; a show where an illness has wiped out the majority of the population and everyone is desperate for a vaccine (only watched 10 minutes of it so correct me if I haven't explained accurately) Another pre-programming that keeps coming up in the MSM is 'Food will run out by (insert date here)'

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by wylee

It's the sneakiness of this bill being passed makes things suspect for me.

Because if it's for pharma profit, where's the hype?... maybe in time there will be.

Yeah this is what also has me trumped. This seams very sketchy and corrupt when you think of the way it is being handled and was passed. Totally avoided all no this is not normal.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Exactly, in the same way as the North American Union bypassed the media. Instead they tell us about Underpants Bombers

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

This whole Obamacare thing is just not right..... I am 46, never in my lifetime have I ever seen such a mad push for something even a super-majority couldn't pass.... heck, the evil Polosi said "When we pass the bill, you will know what is in it..." WHAT??????? This bill screams "DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON" I believe, and this is just me saying this, no report to back it up, This bill will make vaccines madatory, and if you do not well .... Welcome to SHEA FEMA CAMP....

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Here I go again.....

Fear mongering for the swine flu. But someone's got to do it.

From the RSOE,

The Mexican Health Ministry said on Monday that 71,393 cases of A/H1N1 influenza have been confirmed up to March 10, including 1,108 deaths. Eighty-six cases and five deaths were registered in the recent two days, the ministry said in a statement. The figures show an upward trend in Mexico City, the state of Mexico, San Luis Potosi and Nuevo Leon, it said.

Round 4 year 2. Still not going to take the vaccine, even if there is some clause in the 2309 page health care bill stating that I have to. Start stocking up on vitiman e.

"5 dead out of 86 confirmed cases in the last two days." Roughly 5.813% fatality rate, that's only 350 million or so worldwide as it stands right now.

Dr. Niman reported that there has been a small rise in cases in TX, AL. In my non-scientific paraphrasing, this swine flu is mutating like crazy, too fast for vaccine production and spreading among humans and pigs freely.

Goin down the only road I've even known.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by wylee]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:15 AM


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Georgia has seen a 2 fold increase of hospitalizations due to flu in the ist week of march, yet only 80 cases.

What else mystery flu in Algeria kills 7 babies in 48 hours.

7 people in Vietnam have the bird flu H5N1. A 3 year old birl has died from h5n1 there. It's is not known if the child or other the infected have had direct contact with the infected chickens. Usually that's the only way it gets passed from bird to human. So if they got it, without direct contant. It could indicate h5n1 is becoming more readliy transmissible.

Love the one your with......

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:30 AM
There have been reports of the swine flu being back in tx.

I know people here in the atx have been getting this bug. I got it a couple of days ago. I didn't get that sick, but it sure felt like death. It was only 18 hrs for me. But my roommate had it for 2 days and his girlfriend had it for 4 days.

Also according to the via the Georgia(usa) St. Gov, there have been 14 deaths due to swine flu last week in Georgia with an increase of 72 hospitalizations.

In case anyone cares.

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