I have to preface this with my standard saying. I come here to ATS to let y’all lead me into thought. Those that agree with me and especially
those that disagree with me satisfy that need.
My other preface is that I don’t claim to have researched this subject for any country other than the USA…yet. I’m relatively sure that some of
my world friends here will enlighten me about their country, and start me down the path though!
Skeptic Overlord has challenged us to become involved in politics.
SO's Challenge
We sit here behind an anonymous computer screen and espouse our political activism. And, perhaps this forum’s members have their merits in that we
are probably more active than the “other” people. Still, considering this is a cross section of society on ATS…I have my doubts.
Do you vote? Guessing 30% or more of you eligible to vote, didn’t bother to in the last presidential election.
Voter Turnout
Would the evidence convict you?
I see you on here telling me and the world how awful this government is, and how terrible our leaders treat us…yet YOU allow them to hold office!
When I see 95% of the eligible voters turn out, I will believe that we all went and had our “official” say in our government.
Do you truly study the candidates before you choose one? Again, I would bet that close to 30% of you don’t have a clue who you are voting to hire.
I’m allowing for the assumption that ATS members are probably ahead of the bell curve.
Voter Knowlege
Would the evidence convict you?
Do you take others with you to vote?
How about your children, do they see you voting? Do you talk to them about how you decide who you are going to vote for?
Now, having said that and asked those questions of you, I ask myself if there is a place for the rhetoric we all employ here. And my gut answer is a
resounding YES! It is in our personal best interest to sway others to our viewpoint…all I ask is that you officially register your viewpoint by
voting before you attempt to sway me.