posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:03 PM
Ok , i have had many vivid dreams in very strange places as all of us have . Now in the song Mad world it states " The dreams in which im dieing are
the best i've ever had " . I never really understood this until one night i was dreaming average day in my dream just roaming the town on a
beautiful day , i go to the end of the pier at the beach and look up , All of a sudden the blue sky turns black , the moon was on fire looking similar
to the sun , it was heading directly toward me . The detailed image i saw was more exhilarating then almost every event that has ever happened to me
in my life ... Now i was very frightened of course i thought it was real so i started to run from the enormous spitting fireball coming directly for
me . As soon as the impact had occured i arose from this sleep sweating , not in fear as if a nightmare but more like awe..This dream was one of the
best i've ever remembered . by now i've had better but the the whole death type of dream draws me to conclude life after death scenario or something
? I know i have read somewhere that most nightmares are from sleeping incorrectly and breathing improperly , thus the brain has to scare you to wake
you up. Idk i thought id share this with you guys thanks for reading.
[edit on 8-3-2010 by UnknownAgenda26]