posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:39 PM
Sheesh, even though I missed the PHX lights I've seen some really weird things in the AZ sky. I lived there for 21 years until moving up to portland
(soon moving back) but yeah, its like when stuff like this is happening, even though I was with people when these things happen even I question and
question what it actually was.
I saw at one point (along with 5 or 6 friends after leaving Koi sushi bar) this row of lights coming right at me from above the restaurant (and I mean
literally feet above the roof) my heart dropped as I then saw the 4 lights were part of the front of the...., well, I dont know what it was still so I
will say aircraft because it was flying. It dipped at me then flew up revealing the underside which had blue lines, I believe 4 of them on the
underside going along the length of the craft and went a good 30-40 ft into the night sky. I was in so much shock at first I couldn't even get out
"LOOK!" but I pointed it out to my friends and we stood there for what felt like at least 10 min trying to figure out what this thing was.
One friend suggested a kite, one a motor plane, but we couldn't come to that conclusion considering the nature of the craft. It could not have been
strings because of the maneuvers it was preforming in the sky, it would have tangled up absolutely. It also could not have been at least propeller
motorized (or thrust) due to the fact it was completely silent. Add in the fact the craft had at multiple times flew right above us and stayed in one
spot, unless this toy plane was built like a Harrier there's no way it could have done what it did.
It was funny though because as all this is happening, it was like none of us would even say that it was possibly an alien, coming to every other
conclusion we could but all ended up leaving with no conclusion. We don't know what it was and don't know where to start to see something like it
Sorry if that was terribly off topic, I don't get much chance to share this, they were PHX lights of sorts, lol.