Ah yes, the secret societies v N.W.O. subject. Here is an issue that makes the study of
" secret Societies " difficult.
There appears to be three different types of group.
Firstly the Social Fraternities, who recruit from college students. Many people attach far too much importance to these groups as influences on
national corporations through to governments. They are indeed in high places throughout the U.S but not because its part of a group led mission to
take over the world, but rather because the best people at the best Universities are recruited into the groups, so as to be of use to the Frats. The
new recruit will either be extremely well conected through family, or be of such superior ability as to be of use later in life. Needless to say
fifteen years later these high performing college students are among the best business and political brains. Once their previous conections are
exposed the public assume they have their position as a result of their membership. The truth however is they are recruited because of their future
usefulness and would have made achievments without membership.
These groups are generally harmless, their symbology is a cross pollination from the founder members involvement in an altogether different type of
group, The Freemasons.
Secondly we have the descendants of the original Secret Societies ( my own interest ) groups who do not require members to be of any particular social
standing, groups that do little to further each others social or business status. These groups are more like religious organisations with a belief in
alternative doctrines, often but not always, based around an early version, they believe, of christianity. Some are more pagan in their practices,
some combine the two, stating that Jesus teachings were much closer to the pagan ideaology than the modern orthodox version of events we are fed
Again these groups are not dangerous today, their reputation as devil worshippers and practicioners of sordid sex rites, although based partly on
truth, is largely a result of the two thousand year persecution by the church in an attempt to impose itself as the dominant global religion.
Thirdly and without doubt most dangerous among the groups are the ' wanna be's '.
These are people that have basic character flaws that would make them dangerous to society and its structures regardless of their affiliations. They
might have been football hooligans or racist gang members, had things turned out differently, but instead some early exposure to incorect accounts of
the original societies, leaves them desperate to join or start their own groups with the intention to do nothing except vent the frustration they
feel, at the society they do not fit into. The ideaology ( right!! ) and doctrine of these groups is based around disruption to society and
development of a false air of mystery. Unfortunately these groups are responsible for colouring the general public's understanding of the others.
as a footnote some cross pollination does occur and we see members or ex members moving from one type of group to another. Taking with them mystery
and rites associated with former groups, so apparently adding credence to the seemingly ancient beginings of groups that in truth are no older than
it's members.
I think...